Please create a NAME TENT with large piece of pink paper and place in front of you. Respond to these questions on small piece of pink paper. What do you think are 5 important components of effective classrooms? In your experience, have you been in more classes that are effectively managed or more that are mismanaged? Explain.
Who Am I ? Teaching ~ 40+ years Currently with Kelso School District at Kelso High School -- academic coach Have taught in both Washington and Oregon Live on a farm in Skamokawa Married for 44 years to Kyle --- artist (10 years stained glass, 30+ years off hand blown glass)
2 daughters - Kyla & Vaal Kyla - is married, lives in Skamokawa and drives for UPS in Portland Vaal is married, lives in New Bern North Carolina and is a potter. 3 grand children 2 graduated, 1 grade 7 I like to spin, weave, tat, knit, embroider, …lots of hand work options I like old computer skills, reading, ….. lots of learning focus I like animals, garden, 4H club…. lots of life skill focus
Who Are You?
Think for a moment. . . . . . . . Why are you here? How will you know if this class was beneficial to you? What do you want to take away with you?
This class will introduce you to a variety of classroom management and discipline styles that are available to guide prospective and new teachers in developing a positive classroom experience for students, teachers, and parents. Let’s look at the Syllabus
Target for tonight: I can identify 5 teacher behaviors that contribute to effective classroom management. That means I can list and explain several behaviors that I must be cognizant of and be able to manage in the classroom.
Small group discussion: Thinking about your responses on the small pink paper. What do you think are 5 important components of effective classrooms? In your experience, have you been in more classes that are effectively managed or more that are mismanaged? Explain.
Small group discussions Share your responses on your pink paper with the members of your small group. Decide as a group on 5 important components of classroom management. Choose one person to share with the large group.
How did the small group work go? How did you know who should start sharing first? How did you know what the teacher wanted to get back from you? How did you know when you were finished? Did everyone share? How did you decide who would share with class?
Small group routines Students need to be taught to move to/from their groups. Students need to take something to the table. Students need to know how to share their ideas. Students need to know how to “be” in a group.
Sharing – small group Why we share ---- purpose for this activity When we share --- how do I share? How we share ---- what it looks like
Teachers often ask kids to use a skill they may or may not have Teachers often ask kids to use a skill they may or may not have. This is when management problems occur. Teachers must teach it, and then teach it again…. I DO, WE DO, YOU DO!!!
What to share . . . . Tell us what your group’s 5 components were. Summarize your group’s experiences re: effective/ineffective management.
Sharing – large group The listeners: Be attentive: SLANT sit up, lean forward, ask questions, take notes – if directed, be ready to respond with questions/comments/debrief.. The person sharing: -make eye contact -speak up so everyone can hear -be sure you know what to share
A foundational belief of this class is that skilled instruction leads to good classroom management.
Discuss with your neighbors. . . . What comprises good instruction? How are good instruction and classroom management related?
Brainstorm things skilled instruction demonstrates that facilitates good classroom management
Good instruction alleviates classroom management issues: Aligned Activities Student Engagement Clear target Assessment Interaction Adaptation/Differentiation Accountability
Whole Group Discussion Which of these components do you think would be the toughest to master? Why?
Classroom Management and Good Instruction are the critical factors in student learning.
Some Characteristics of a Well-Managed Classroom High level of student involvement with work Clear student expectations Little wasted time, confusion, disruption Work-oriented, but relaxed & pleasant climate Task-oriented and predictable environment Space & time used effectively Positive behavior Effective instructional strategies Evidence of learning
Characteristics of State Teacher Eval Well-Managed Classroom Criterion High level of student involvement with work Clear student expectations Little wasted time, confusion, disruption Work-oriented, but relaxed & pleasant climate Task-oriented and predictable environment Space & time used effectively Positive behavior Effective instructional strategies Evidence of learning StCr#1: High Expectations StCr#4:Clear Focus StCr#5:Safe/Pos Environment StCr#2:Teaching Strategies StCr#3StuNeeds StCr#6ImprovLearn
The Big Winner: State Criterion #5: Fostering and Managing a Safe, Positive Learning Environment
Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms. Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms.” -Wong & Wong
The focus of this course is Classroom Management through: ----- thoughtful preparation ----- effective instruction ----- timely intervention
Recommended Books Cummings, Carol. Winning Strategies for Classroom Management. ASCD. 2000 McLeod, Fisher, Hoover. Key Elements of Classroom Management. ASCD. 2003 Wong & Wong. The First Days of School. 1998.
Please complete the ONLINE homework tasks found in Week 01