Welcome Talented And Gifted Chattahoochee High School Curriculum Night 2016 What is TAG like in HS?
Ms. Patti Pair TAG/ Social Studies Gifted Department Chair Directed Studies & Interns Economics (12th) GHP coordinator Social Studies Fair “Charter” faculty of CHS pairp@fultonschools.org Room H117
Ms. Carla Boudreaux TAG/ ELA Honors 10th Lit / AP Lang (11th) 10th Grade Seminar boudreaux@fultonschools.org Room D115
Mr. Ben Salba TAG/ Social Studies AP World History (10th) ,AP Reader Seasoned Sophomore Seminars Model UN Sponsor salba@fultonschools.org Room F111
Ms. Shoshanna Adams TAG/Social Studies AP Government (9th) Economics (12th) 10th Grade seminars Vanguard Technology Team adamss@fultonschools.org Room H119
Mr. Michael Sinco TAG/Social Studies AP Psychology HIRE ME 11th seminars sincom@fultonschools.org Room H122
Ms. Amanda Wile TAG/Math Honors Geometry Precalculus Internships (11th/12th) HIRE ME Seminars (11th) Testing Coordinator 1 to 1 Reach Leadership of Johns’ Creek wilea@fultonschools.org H124
Ms. Mary Winn TAG/ Science Freshman Focus Seminars Testing Coordinator winnm@fultonschools.org
Ms. Chelsea Henderson TAG/Math AP Calculus 10th Seminars Henderson@fultonschools.org Room G106
Mr. Matt Sharp TAG/Science AP Biology APS Biology sharpmb@fultonschools.org Room H112
In addition to our TAG Depart teachers, AP teachers receive additional training on Characteristics of the Gifted since most TAG students take AP Courses.
2016 Chattahoochee TAG Data 9th graders 164 10th graders 254 11th graders 217 12th graders 228 Total TAG 863 FCBOE allots 1 TAG teacher per 110 TAG students in HS
How do you know you’re in TAG? If you have been in TAG in Elementary or Middle school , your eligibility will roll over into high school. Your middle school TAG teachers send me a list of all TAG students & hand deliver your TAG folders. If you were in TAG in elementary school, but dropped out in middle school you may reenter the program my emailing me.
Check your schedule Your class schedule should always show TAG as an 8th period class. This is only in order to give you TAG credit on your report card. There is no 8th period class. Don’t worry… TAG is NOT after school. Please email me if your 8th period ever “disappears”
How do students get TAG credit in HS? Students need to do something: Seminars (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) Directed Studies (11th 12th) Internships (11th, 12th) Advanced Curriculum (AP, MOWR/College English, GT Math) Independent Projects
TAG Seminars Advisement groups of students 9th grade “Freshman Focus” 10th grade “Seasoned Sophomores” 11th grade “HIRE ME” (prerequisite for Internship) 12th grade “College Apps” This year we are using the Advisement time- which will eventually be twice weekly
Freshman Focus Ms. Winn Goal Statement; To orient gifted students to high school and the gifted program and develop an understanding of their unique talents and individual traits.
Seasoned Sophomore Seminar Goal Statement: The “seasoned” sophomore is mature, accustomed to high school, and has character, wit, personality. This seminar proposes to help each student know more about his character strengths, learning style, and personality so that he/she can plan for a successful academic experience through high school and into college.
HIRE ME- Mr. Sinco & Ms. Wile Goal Statement: The students will decide on an internship focus (related to their career interests), i.e. medicine. The students will practice interviewing skills & compose a resume, cover letter, & construct a portfolio. The students will also learn about business ethics, professional attitudes, & attire in order to become more polished for their upcoming internship and adult life.
Directed Study-Ms. Pair (Juniors and Seniors) Room H 120 A class that occupies a period on your schedule Daily attendance required Application into this program is required Present a curriculum of study to your advisor & develop a contract that you will follow all semester 12 gradable assignments required Focus on an area of study that interests you most Self-motivation is a MUST http://school.fultonschools.org/hs/chattahoochee/Pages/TAG-Department.aspx
Check out Directed Studies Student Testimonials Information available on the Chattahoochee Site www.chattcougar.com
Internship-Ms. Wile/Pair (11th & 12 -7th period) Room H124 Designed for students who desire to learn about a particular occupation Release early each day to work with a professional in the field you have chosen ( after 2 weeks of class) Excellent opportunity to sample careers Each internship lasts one semester Prerequisite seminar entitled “HIRE ME”
We are always looking for Internship Contacts Our program is growing! If you would like to find out more information about the possibility of having a TAG intern in your office (no obligation – just information)
Advanced Curriculum Advanced Placement (AP) AP courses allow for possible college credit based on AP Exam score MOWR- Duel/Joint Enrollment College English Ga Tech Math
TAG Department on Edmodo.com 5y65u6
Follow us on Social Media @hoochtag @MrDarpecon Follow us on Social Media
Fulton County Supporters of the Gifted membership! Fulton County Supporters of Gifted http://www.fultongifted.org/ great source of information, advocacy & support for teachers, students & families involved in gifted education. *Provides & for summer programs* Georgia Association for Gifted Children http://www.gagc.org/ National Association for Gifted Children website http://www.nagc.org/
Any questions? pairp@fultonschools.org