Regional Workshop to disseminate Water Supply and Sanitation Standards of Quality of Service, adapted to LDCs Preparation to the ISO TC 224 Draft Standards test in Africa. WBI/InWEnt/AFWA/NWSC WORKSHOP KAMPALA (UGANDA), JULY 24-27, 2007
Definition of the working groups tasks Mounir ZOUGGARI Ad Hoc Developing Countries Group Convenor In the ISO TC 224 WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
ISO standards test process Stage 1 Identification of interested parties Stage 2 Standards analysis Objectives VS gaps Action plans definition Indicators choosing Stage 3 Action plans implementation Indicators monitoring Stage 6 standards revision Stage 5 evaluation and capitalisation Stage 4 Impacts analysis WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007 Objectives of the working groups: Studying a standard extract to “practice” the standards Expected results : Clarifying the text understanding According to this ISO extract standard, making a quick assessment of the current situation in each country Designing possible action plans and indicators Proposing any modifications / improvements of the standards What are the constraints and consequences to implement this standard extract in each country ? WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007 “Time to establish new provisions” Presentation of the ISO 24510 extract In “Objectives for the service in respect of users’ needs and expectations” 4.3.1 Time to establish new service provisions The user expects to be provided with the service in a reasonable and specified time within the service area. An explanation may be required on the specific conditions under which the service can be provided and when. WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007 “Time to establish new provisions” Presentation of the ISO 24510 extract In “Guidelines for satisfying users’ needs and expectations” 5.3.1 Time to establish new service provisions The water utility should establish a standard time for new service provision in network systems, and commit to achieve this target for all regular connections. In all systems, the water utility should be able to estimate and clearly communicate to the user the time that it takes to establish a new service or connection. The estimate should include a reasonable allowance for unexpected local conditions or delays. ¾ The standard time should be defined as the period from the time the user application procedure is completed to when the service is available for the user. ¾ The application procedures should be clearly specified by the water utility. In the absence of a piped network system, the user should be informed about when the service is to be provided either through an infrastructure extension or through alternative means of service. WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007 “Time to establish new provisions” Presentation of the ISO 24510 extract In “Assessment criteria for service to users” 6.3.1 Time to establish new service provisions ¾ compliance with the standard service connection time, ¾ simplicity of establishing a new service connection, ¾ average time to establish alternative forms of service provision. WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007 PLAN DO Service components objectives process ACT Criteria activities results IPs évaluation CHECK WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007 Thank you Mounir ZOUGGARI +212 37 75 91 38 WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007
WBI/InWEnt/AfWA/NWSC Workshop, KAMPALA, July 24-27, 2007