Total water Oceans: 97% Ice: 1.8% Groundwater: 0.6% Lakes and streams Salt: 0.007% Fresh: 0.009% Atmosphere: 0.001%
Marine Science (oceanography) The process of discovering unifying principles in data obtained from the ocean, its associated life-forms, and its bordering lands. Biology + Geology + Physics + Chemistry + Engineering
Marine Geologists Composition of inner Earth Mobility of the crust Seafloor sediments History of the oceans, continents, and climate Earthquake prediction + Resource exploration
Physical Oceanographers Study and observe wave dynamics, currents, and ocean-atmosphere interactions
Chemical Oceanographers Study the oceans total dissolved solids and gases in relations to biology and geology
Climate Specialists/Climatologists The ocean’s role in the changing climate
Marine Biologists Nature and distribution of marine organisms Impact on these organisms from pollutants Drug-making from marine species Yield of fisheries
Marine Engineers Design and build oil platforms, ships, harbors
Where is the deepest spot in the ocean?
Where is the tallest mountain?
Stars and Seas All “matter” in the universe came into existence around 14 billion years ago Big Bang
Stars and Planets are contained within Galaxies
How did the solar system get here?
Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere accumulated in layers sorted by density The densest material sank to the bottom Iron, nickel The more buoyant material rose to the top Silicon, magnesium, aluminum, oxygen-bonded compounds
Origin of the Moon
Origin of the Ocean Outgassing and comets
Life probably originated in the ocean
What will be the future of Earth? Doom and Gloom dominates the “science” of the media and pop-culture
Are there other ocean worlds? There are no other ocean worlds out there, thus far.
The Solar System’s Moons
Huygens lander
Life and Oceans?