PSMEM Data Visualization and Education Bill Winn1,3 Fritz Stahr2 Christian Sarason2 Peter Oppenheimer3 Ruth Fruland1,3 Yen-Ling Lee1 1 - UW College of Education 2 – Ocean Inquiry Project (OIP) 3 - UW Human Interface Technology Lab (HITL)
GOALS & ACTIVITIES Develop web interface to model output (see Christian’s talk or OIP webpage). Improve and make broadly useful Virtual Puget Sound (VPS), a 3D visualization of Puget Sound POM model, previously developed at HITL. Study effectiveness of VPS (and models in general) for learning oceanography of Puget Sound. Use PSMEM partnership products for education and outreach.
Virtual Puget Sound (VPS) An interactive 3D visualization of Puget Sound POM model data
Development Phase 1 Immersive VPS Developed under prior grants to study the effectiveness of complete (electronic) “immersion” in complex environments, for bringing about conceptual change in students. Built on an SGI Onyx super-mini computer using Virtual Reality technology – tracked head-mounted display and hand motions.
Immersive VPS Used two parameters from POM output: Water movement and salinity. Studies show it helps students learn, especially about dynamic 3D processes. Only available at HITL. User “inside” model User “reaches out” to touch controls
Development Phase 2 Desktop VPS (version 1) Developed by PSMEM partners to spread VPS more broadly, i.e. into classrooms and labs. First purpose was to create an instructional tool. Added new features such as cut-planes, and “neap-tide” day data file. Ported to PC environment with Windows graphic user interface. [Note: Used same set of parameters - low resolution, currents and salinity].
Desktop Instructional Use Collaboration with Ocean Inquiry Project and instructors. Used for education and study of UW and Seattle Central CC intro. oceanography classes, Spring and Fall, 2003. Collected data on what VPS and field experience contributed to learning. Students taking “data” in VPS Students taking data on OIP field trip.
Development Phase 3 Desktop VPS (version 2) Designed to allow full exploration of model output by partners and others, and to allow more general netCDF input. Primary purpose is scientific visualization, but also allows much more extensive and flexible educational use. Nearly released – beta version may be available downstairs even now!
Desktop Data Visualization All parameters available on cut-planes with adjustable ranges. Spatial resolution shown is adjustable. Allows any day of POM data to be worked with. Features include multicolored particle tracking, horizontal cut-plane, easier-to-use mouse & keyboard interface, etc.
Next Steps Complete VPS-PC version 2.0 with file import and data vis. tools – release for partnership use. Build more curriculum around VPS for oceanography (and other) students. Make desktop version immersive (i.e., with new features, and head and hand tracking.) Continue educational studies of how VPS helps students understand the PS environment (e.g., work planned with oceanographers and teachers this quarter and with grades 4 – 6 this summer).
Demonstration and use of Partnership tools, including: And now, please join us downstairs in the Spatial Analysis Lab (OSB-111) for: Lunch Demonstration and use of Partnership tools, including: Virtual Puget Sound PSMEM web-based database interface Aquatic BiogeoChemistry Cycling model