CSTL Sharing Meeting 2016 Data Management for the Education Sector South Africa Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa 22-24 November 2016
Presentation Outline Vision of an Integrated Education Management System Shape and size of administration system Using a single Schools e-administration system Integration of Data on SA-SAMS Integrating Data Systems in the Education Sector Holistic Data Driven Support to Children Intergovernmental Protocol Agreements (DBE/DSD/SASSA /DHA)
Vision of an Integrated Education Management System Single data source to have the same data at all levels All data should be generated and collected from a single source system at institutional level (Standardizing data) All operational and transversal systems must be integrated and available for use at both a provincial and national level The reporting layer (or business intelligence) will be a single layer on top of the operational systems to provide one single integrated view of the truth E- administration for up-to-date data Save resources – no more recapturing with data entry mistakes Easy to use and integrated system Leads to more frequent uploads with operational data vs survey data Apply better data quality assurance Use systems with built in data integrity Follow EMIS processes (QA and collection) Improve accountability on district level using the data Employ technical personel for user and data base support and quality assurance The vision is to create a system that will assist all levels with - data management reporting on the performance of all in education assisting with support and strategy in the districts / province
Shape and size of administration system South African Schools Act No 84 of 1996 (s59) and the National Education Information Policy mandated the reporting by Principals on information as requested by the HOD. The requests manifested in a variety of reports e.g. Quarterly Schedules with Learner performance analysis schedules ; Quarterly / Weekly attendance schedules Ad hoc reports, including CSTL Surveys : 10th Day SNAP and Annual School Survey The timing, availability and quality of the data received influence the data collection processes Past Manual Capturing of Survey and Quarterly reports Collect aggregated data Manual submission Present Electronic Capturing Reports and Survey generated from system Collect data on granular level “Manual “ electronic submission Future Online capturing Reports and “Survey” to be date stamped data on the system Submission on line Data management and collection process Evolution of
Using a single School e-administration system Why using a standard system Legislation & CEM decisions Level of data administration & management at school level Implementation of policies Standardises information Operational school data available for Districts, Province & on LURITS for DBE reporting BI Report built on Provincial Data Warehouse showing information on district/ provincial level (reports dependent on SA-SAMS data fields). Save resources – no recapturing, no alignment between different “data warehouses” What influences using SA-SAMS At School level: Knowledge of school admin & information management & reporting District, provincial & national data needs– supporting information for reporting (MTSF & APP) Multiple users of the same data (integrated system)– reduce duplication at schools & districts , increasing quality System support & training Timely updated releases Quality assurance of data Who , what , when and where – accountability of data owners at district/ province Quarterly/ monthly reports generated and signed off by schools for accountability and audit trails Maintenance of source documents
Integration of data on SA-SAMS Standard data available for multiple usages , users and reports -> SAVING RESOURCES UNIT Level Information School info Educator info Learner info class data Assessments ANA Exam Learner registration LTSM NSNP/ Social Grant/Inclusive Eduction Sport & enrichment programs Attendance WSE & IQMS Disciplinary SGB Infrastructure, Asset management, Finance
Operational & Transversal Systems: Integrating Data Systems in the Education Sector BI Reporting Layer Reporting: National Other Departments DHA, DSD, SASSA NEIMS Exams LURITS Other Data available from Operational & Transversal Systems: Provincial & National -BI reports for district and province officials on program performance, school profile etc - District: DDD Provincial Warehouses Data Source: At individual School level SA-SAMS & other school administrative packages School
Data can be used as the core link to children, ensuring & enabling holistic data driven support from the public sector HOLISTIC DATA DRIVEN SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF BASIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT/ SASSA NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Department of Higher Education and Training Civil Registration/ Identification of individuals, formal records (verified against) Services to Children: Education, Social Care, Health Care, Nutrition & Safety, Training Access to quality and improved Education; (Data verification, Intervention Planning) Primary Health Care, Health Screening in schools, Teenage pregnancy (data triangulation) Post School Education & Training; a skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Social Grants (school going –age attending school), Social Welfare
DBE/DSD/SASSA Protocol Agreement Background As a result of the need to tackle child poverty and to improve educational outcomes through the provision of comprehensive social services and in terms of Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005); The Department of Basic Education (DBE), The Department of Social Development (DSD) and the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) have signed an Intergovernmental Protocol Agreement in March 2012 to establish a formal channel of information sharing and communication. Protocol Agreement creates an intergovernmental mandate for the three organizations to collaborate mutually and to support each other i.e. DBE’s aim to ensure every child’s right to quality basic education is progressively made available and accessible; and DSD and SASSA’s aim to ensure the provision of comprehensive, integrated, vulnerability and poverty sustainable and quality social development services and provide a social protection system
DBE/DSD/SASSA Protocol Agreement: AIMS The two Departments and Agency aimed to: Create a constructive working relationship of mutual cooperation, support and assistance with regards to: the sharing of information and best practices in combating poverty; improving educational outcomes; establishing formal channels of information sharing, communication and collaboration in rendering services by providing psycho-social support to vulnerable children, orphans and learners with disabilities, inclusive of support to the learning environment in rural and farm areas; assisting and co-operating with each other in areas of mutual interest; and complying with social assistance legislation relating to child support grants. It is through this protocol that the Department and the Agency (DBE and SASSA) conduct data matches between the Learner Unit Record and Information Tracking System (LURITS) and the Social Pension System (SOCPEN) to verify data. The data can be used to target interventions such as identifying a child who should be grant recipient but is not and joining efforts to ensure that they register and receive a grant.
DBE/DHA Protocol Agreement The Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System (LURITS): DBE System that stores individual records of learners and is able to track their movement from school to school. - ID number (compulsory) to verify authenticity of learners - Triangulation of learner data (with and without ID numbers) against the DHA’s National Population Register (NPR). As a result of a joint intervention programme between DBE and Home Affairs, CEM’s decision to make ID numbers compulsory and strict control measures on SA-SAMS, there’s an improvement of learners with ID numbers on LURITS and therefore true learner enrolment numbers by eliminating ghost learners. Learner identity numbers from LURITS are matched/verified against the NPR confirming the ID numbers of learners submitted to LURITS; Acquired ID numbers that have not been provided to LURITS through a methodology using Name, Surname and Date of Birth match from NPR; The living status of all learners is verified against the NPR (elimination of non-existent learners on LURITS); Manual process LURITS II implementation to automate the data transfer Modernised SA-SAMS
1 August 2016 – True Learners (Non-Ghost) Based On Verified/Retrieved IDS From Home Affairs
CHALLENGES CHALLENGES Challenges are being addressed at different levels and by different interventions. The following challenges however have to be addressed in the short and long term: Administrative staff at schools to support SA-SAMS; Circuit/District Systems Administrators to assist schools with SA-SAMS; Rolling out and training by Provinces of SA-SAMS to all schools. Programme managers collecting and owning data – only compulsory modules are being used Funding: To change SA-SAMS into a Web-based System Silos between Government Ministries to integrate systems Access and security controls Mitigation: Operation Phakisa – Accelerate ICTs in Schools Modernisation of SA-SAMS Project, User Requirements Specifications Steering Committees to manage Intergovernmental Relations
Comments and Questions from the Floor & Other Panellists.