RSpace: Building an institutional (IR) repository to support research and knowledge mobilization at Renison University College Presented by: Tony Tin, Director, Library and Information Services
An Institutional Repository (IR) is – “A set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members.” - Clifford Lynch, ARL Bimonthly Report. P. 226
RSpace Goal/Objectives Goal: to preserve and disseminate Renison scholarly materials Objectives: institutional self-promotion encourage open access service to faculty in making research publications more widely available opportunity for library staff to connect with research faculty, and staff
Rspace ( DSpace (for document management) Open-source software by MIT and Hewlett-Packard Implemented by 1500 plus academic institutions DSpace Federation: U Waterloo, Cambridge, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, ANU, Edinburgh, Calgary, Toronto, and Washington
Core Features Community-driven & focused Durable & permanent Digital content (Restricted, Open) Example: Furscience Open URI linking (DOI support) Fully searchable (date, title, authors, subjects) 1. Provide a digital space to preserve your research data and publication - Doug and Tony niform resource identifier (URI) a string of charactersto identify a name of a resource. globally unique and persistent even when the resource ceases to exist or becomes unavailable- SIMILAR TO doi.
RSS Feeds More Features Statistics Dynamic content management Export collection Unicode Google will find you Interoperable with other repositories using OAI-PMH 1. Provide a digital space to preserve your research data and publication - Doug and Tony niform resource identifier (URI) a string of charactersto identify a name of a resource. globally unique and persistent even when the resource ceases to exist or becomes unavailable- SIMILAR TO doi.
How to Handle Copyright: Sherpa/RoMEO Publisher Policy Version 5, doi, goggle analytics, Sherpa/Romeo Example: Nova Religio
How to Submit Demo
Difference between RSpace & UWSpace UWSpace RSpace Central Model – all submission approved by UW library. Distribution Model – each community handles its submission. Only accepting two types of materials: thesis & peer review articles. Accommodating different types of materials, including learning objects, book chapters, research data and many others. Only accepting submission from UW researchers while they are at UW. Accepting works from faculty/staff regardless their works were created at other institutions.
Form RSpace to UC (University College) Portal: Dialogue with SJU Librarian
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