Welcome to Year 10 Parents Evening
Year 10 Parents Evening Work Experience Options Exam timetables Exam rules Revision Sixth Form Contact details
Year 10 Parents Evening WORK EXPERIENCE 3 – 7 July 2017
What stage are we at now? Year 10 Parents Evening Most students have been allocated a placement. If students are unhappy with their placement they should come and talk to me about it (J22). Students need to contact the employer to find out if the employer wants to interview them – VERY IMPORTANT THEY DO THIS.
Please ask your child Year 10 Parents Evening If they know where they are going for work experience. If they have contacted the employer yet to set up an interview (if the employer wants an interview).
What happens if…….. Year 10 Parents Evening Your child is ill. Your child doesn’t enjoy it. Your child doesn’t turn up or is asked to leave.
Visits during Work Experience Year 10 Parents Evening Visits during Work Experience Someone from school will visit your child (if we can’t visit we will call or email the employer). We will ask the employer to complete an evaluation form. Student will also be asked to complete a Work Experience Diary to keep a record of their experience.
Options Year 10 Parents Evening Process starts 3 April. 1 option subject – taught for 12 hours per fortnight. Increase in English, Maths and Science teaching.
Year 10 Parents Evening Exam Timetables Wednesday 15 March 2017
Exam Rules Year 10 Parents Evening Not much has changed since we were at school. Clear pencil cases. Clear water bottles only. No food. Black ink only. No mobile phones. No watches.
Revision Year 10 Parents Evening Revision guide booklet Revision timetable
Revision Year 10 Parents Evening Start early. Make a revision timetable. Take short breaks. Use revision guides. Stick revision notes all around the house. Get drinks and snacks. Sit at a desk. Don’t put it off. Don’t just read, use a variety of revision techniques. Lots of past exam papers. Find the right environment. Don’t pester your child.
Revision Timetable Year 10 Parents Evening Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 16:00 History 40mins RE 40mins Spanish RE 40 Mins 17:00 Spanish 40 mins 18:00 History 40mins 19:00 History 40mins 20:00 Revision Timetable
Miss Doherty, Head of Sixth Form Cheney School Sixth Form Miss Doherty, Head of Sixth Form
Best State School Results in Oxfordshire 100% Distinction at BTEC “Ecstatic students at Cheney School have broken the school’s A Level record, once again” “Across the board, results were significantly higher than last year” Overall pass rate for students leaving school at the end of Year 13 at 99%, up from 97% in 2015 66% of students achieved A* to B grades, up a staggering 11% from last year 4 of our 4 Oxbridge applicants gained their place the number of A* grades at A level was the highest yet, with thirty three A*s 42% of UCAS applicants going to a Russell Group uni
Truly High Aspirations Best State School Results in Oxfordshire Headline figures from 2016: A*-A: 40% A*-B: 66% A*-C: 85% A*- E: 99% 42% of Cheney School students went on to Russell Group universities
Excellent Teachers and Resources Student surveys rate our teachers as excellent – and our results prove that our Sixth Form students have brilliant teachers! Our students get one hour a fortnight of skills teaching – a unique and beneficial resource for Sixth Form students. We offer Gold Duke of Edinburgh – we’re the largest school cohort in the South East. Close links with Brookes, off-site access, your own clothes!
Gold Duke of Edinburgh
It’s never too early to start thinking… What do you want to study at Sixth Form? Are you on track to get the entry requirements? 4 or above in English AND 4 or above in Maths 3 or more C grades or Merits at BTEC What can you do to get the best possible grades? Your Year 9 and Year 10 GCSEs count towards your Sixth Form entry!
Cheney School Sixth Form Access to a broad and balanced curriculum Confident young citizens High Aspirations Independent learners Encouraging learning environment To briefly outline and explain my vision I will use the word ACHIEVE. I believe excellence can be achieved by Access to a broad.......Confident.....where every student matters Values of positive, inclusive community Every student matters
Contact details Year 10 Parents Evening Simon McEvoy – HOY 10 SME@cheney.oxon.sch.uk Lynne Owen – AHOY 10 LOW@cheney.oxon.sch.uk Jason Davies – Work Experience JDA@cheney.oxon.sch.uk Heather Doherty – Head of Sixth Form HDY@cheney.oxon.sch.uk Marie-Anne Fischer – Exams Officer MF@cheney.oxon.sch.uk