Umm Al-Qura University بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Umm Al-Qura University Health Sciences College at Al-Leith Department of Public Health Lecture (6)
Malaria parasites or plasmodium parasites
Objectives 1/ Know of Malaria parasites classification and Geographical distribution. 2/ Study of Malaria parasites External Morphology , Habitat, Life cycle, Mode of Transmission, Pathogenicity. 3/ Show Symptoms of Malaria disease. 4/ Show Laboratory diagnosis of Malaria parasites. 5/ Know Treatment and prevention. 6/ Apply of malaria control.
Classification of malaria parasites of medical importance. kingdom: protista or animalia Subkingdom: protozoa Phylum: Apicomplexa Class: Sporozoa Subclass: Coccidia Order: Eurococcidia Suborder: Eimeriina Family: Plasmodiidae Genus: plasmodium Species: falciparum, vivax, malarae, ovale
Mosquito of anopheles female transmitted malaria parasite(plasmodium)
Fig 7. 13: Parts of a Malaria parasite inside a red blood cell
Fig 7. 14: The trophozoite stage of P.vivax
P. falciparum old trophozoites on thin film P.falciparum old trophozoites on thin film. Note the parasite cytoplasm is thicker and The RBC size remains unchanged.
P. falciparum tiny rings on the thin film P.falciparum tiny rings on the thin film. Note the size of the ring compare to the RBC size.
Fig 7. 16: Male and female Gametocytes P. vivax P. falciparum Fig 7. 16: Male and female Gametocytes
Life cycle 1-Asexual reproduction in a human 2-Sexual multiplication in mosquitoes
life cycle): 1-Asexual reproduction in a human host
(life cycle):
2-Sexual multiplication in mosquitoes
Malaria patients
P. falciparum tiny rings on the thin film P.falciparum tiny rings on the thin film. Note the size of the ring compare to the RBC size.
Control line (C) and the lower test line (T) appears Control line (C) and the upper Test line (T) appears P.f. positive Control line (C) and 2 test lines (T) appear P.f. infection and an infection of either P.v., P.m. or P.o. Control line (C) and the lower test line (T) appears P.v., P.m. or a P.o. infection
Thanks Radia 58