How are People Made Believers?
How are People Made Believers? When Jesus gave His apostles the great commission He gave them a clear directive. Matt. 28:18-20 – they were to make disciples How were they to do this?
How are People Made Believers? A couple of thoughts might come to mind. 1. God makes believers by exerting direct influence on them. 2. God makes believers by their belief in His word as taught by Jesus Christ.
How are People Made Believers? With these thoughts come several questions. Does God make believers? Does God make believers by the Holy Spirit? 3. Does God make believers by His power?
How are People Made Believers? With these thoughts come several questions. Does God make believers? Yes. Does God make believers by the Holy Spirit? Yes. 3. Does God make believers by His power? Yes.
How are People Made Believers? We must understand what God has said about making believers. Acts 10:34-42 – Peter spoke the word of God to Cornelius and his household Rom. 10:17 – Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 6:17 – obeyed the doctrine that was delivered to them Rom. 1:16 – the gospel is God’s power of salvation for all who believe
How are People Made Believers? Did God make them a believer? Yes. Did God make them believers by the Holy Spirit? Did God make them believers by the power of His word?
How are People Made Believers? God makes believers of everyone who hears the word and obeys, but He doesn’t do that until we hear the word, have faith in the word and obey the word.
How are People Made Believers? This is the way that God operates in the Gospel age. Acts 14:1-4 – the Gospel was taught in Iconium some believed and some did not Acts 16:25-34 – the Philippian jailer and his household heard the word, believed what was taught and were baptized.
How are People Made Believers? So what does it mean to us? It simply means that we continue to do in similar manner as they did in the first century. 1 Thess. 1:2-10 – the disciples in Thessalonica turned from idolatry to God through their belief in Jesus Christ as they were taught the Gospel Col. 1:3-7 – the saints at Colossae heard the word, obeyed and laid hold of the hope that is open to all believers
How are People Made Believers? When we go back to the great commission we read that Jesus commanded them to make disciples, Matt. 28:19. This would be accomplished by teaching the Gospel and its meaning. Luke 24:47 – teach repentance and remission through Jesus After that the believers should continue to follow the commands of Jesus. Matt. 28:20 – observe all things commanded
How are People Made Believers? God makes believers through the teaching of the Gospel and through the heart of those who hear and obey. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”