The Culture of Safeguarding in Newham schools (Safeguarding audits in 12 schools, Common themes) SCR, Safer recruitment, DBS KCSIE 2016 , Policies and procedures. (Impact rather than compliance) Staff training is up to date and demonstrates impact ID checks for visitors Evidencing young people’s voice Internal protocols for peer on peer abuse CP case studies and referrals to LADO (outcomes) Off site provision and risk assessments 4/11/2018
Learning from recent Ofsted inspections Creating a Safeguarding culture Ensure that all Staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities Re-train safeguarding leaders Keep all confidential records secure Implement rigorous systems to ensure that DSLs have a clear area of responsibility Embed the Early help & liaise with relevant agencies in line with legislation Ensure that safeguarding policies detail clear protocols and are up to date Pre-employment checks meet statutory requirements 4/11/2018
Learning from recent Ofsted inspections(continues) Improve governance so that governors understand their legal responsibilities . Ensure that pupils are taught about other cultures and have a clear understanding of British values. (Tollgate Teaching schools offers CPD) Improve the quality of safeguarding practice Hold an external review of governance in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved. Ensure website holds updated policies that reflect local contacts. 4/11/2018
Newham council Safeguarding updates Online Safety- (Newham Strategy, Task and finish group, work in progress) CSE – (CSE audit task and finish group, work in progress) CME - (Multi agency approach , protocols for children missing during the day) Disseminating learning from serious case reviews and learning reviews (case study) Safeguarding Link Governor forum (next meeting 6th July 2017) S11 Audits-( new self evaluation form ) 4/11/2018
Key Legislation: Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016 available on : Working Together to Safeguard children 2015 available on: London Child Protection Procedures and Practice Guidance 5th Edition 2017 available on: 4/11/2018
Questions 4/11/2018