Section 26.3 Motor Vehicle Safety Objectives Identify the skills you need to be a safe driver. List safety rules you should follow when riding in a school bus.
Health Stats What health trend does the graph reveal? Describe the trend shown in the graph. Why do you think driver deaths are more common at certain ages than others?
Automobile Safety Drivers between the ages of 15 and 24 are involved in more crashes than any other age group. This is due to several factors, including a lack of driving experience and a tendency to take more risks. You can be a safe driver, regardless of your age. To be a safe driver, you need to practice good driving skills and know how to respond to risky situations.
Factors You Can Control Take a course in driver education. Never drive if you have been drinking alcohol or using drugs. Always wear your seatbelt. Minimize your distractions. Follow the speed limit. Follow the rules of the road. Allow enough distance between you and the car in front of you so that you can stop suddenly without hitting it. Avoid driving when you are tired, angry, or feeling stressed. Always tell a family member or friend where you are going and when you plan to return home. Never carry a flammable substance, such as extra gasoline, in the trunk of your car.
Keeping Your Vehicle Safe Make sure that your brakes are working properly. Make sure that all of your lights are working, including the brake lights. Make sure that your tires are in good shape and appropriate for the climate you live in. Make sure that your windshield wipers work properly.
For: Updates on motor vehicle safety Click above to go online.
Factors Outside Your Control The following guidelines can help you avoid a motor vehicle crash when driving under less-than-ideal conditions. slow down if visibility is low due to rain, fog, or snow, slow down keep a greater distance between you and the car in front of you Defensive driving means that you constantly monitor other drivers around you, and do not assume that they will do what you think they should do. Defensive driving enables you to actively avoid hazardous situations.
Road Rage Allow others to merge, and do not tailgate. Being inconsiderate to other drivers can spark road rage. A driver with road rage uses his or her vehicle as a weapon. Stay away from drivers you suspect might have road rage. If you have a problem with road rage, seek help.
School Bus Safety When riding in a school bus, there are rules you should follow to ensure everybody’s safety. Stay seated at all times. Do not hang any part of your body out of the windows. Avoid fighting and arguing. Do not throw things. If someone is bullying you, tell the driver. Know where emergency exits are located. Watch for cars when getting off the bus and crossing the street.
Vocabulary defensive driving A driving technique in which you constantly monitor other drivers around you. road rage A dangerous condition in which a driver uses his or her vehicle as a weapon.
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