Learning Objectives Understand the role of training and development (T&D) needs assessment at the level of the organisation , the department and the individual; Appreciate how the assessment of T&D needs must take into account the central concerns of sustainable management ; Recognise the concerns of senior and middle managers and T&D professionals in needs assessment; Id different methods used in needs assessment and id the pros and cons of each; and Explain how characteristics of the individual , input ,output , consequences and feedback influence performance and learning .
Needs Assessment Report Value: 30% Due date: 01-May-2017 Return date: 22-May-2017 Length: approx. 2000 words excluding reference list, Table of contents, Introduction, Conclusion and Tables. Submission method options: Turnitin
Task Prepare a Training and/or Development Needs Assessment of an organisation/ organisational area that you are familiar with or have access to based on the work you completed in assessment 1. In undertaking the assignment, please ensure that you are able to demonstrate an understanding of the process to assessing training and development needs. The Needs Assessment should identify one main training and / or development need and recommend options e.g. training programs that would address this need. In Assessment 3 you will develop these. In your submission, you should: Explain the reason for undertaking a needs assessment, this may include identification of performance gaps; Explain and justify the method you have chosen to conduct the needs assessment; Evaluate the needs assessment process used to determine if training and/or development is necessary; and Examine possible outcomes if needs assessment is not properly planned or conducted. Ensure that relevant academic literature is used to support your discussions. This should go beyond the text book and be currently i.e. generally less than five years old.
Introduction The Daikin Australia example highlights that before choosing a training or development method, it is important to determine what type of training or development is necessary and whether employees are willing to learn.
Needs Assessment Definition The process used to determine whether training is necessary and , if so , in what areas. May look at : Organisational analysis Functional analysis Individual analysis
The performance gap
Addressing a performance gap with a training action
Training isn’t always the answer Not all performance problems can be resolved with training
Addressing a performance gap with an action not involving training
Outcomes from Needs Assessment It’s the foundation for the training design; Who needs training; What do they need to learn? What task, behaviours , skills and knowledge is required; and How will it be delivered- outsourced, purchased, or developed internally
Potential consequences if needs assessment is inadequate (1 of 2) Training may be incorrectly used as a solution to a performance problem. Training programs may have the wrong content, objectives or methods. Trainees may be sent to training programs for which they do not have the basic skills, prerequisite skills or confidence needed to learn. (cont.)
Potential consequences if needs assessment is inadequate (2 of 2) Training may not deliver the expected learning, behaviour change or financial results that the company expects. Money may be spent on training programs that are unnecessary because they are unrelated to the company’s business strategy.
Key concerns in needs assessment
Need for content experts Content expert is a person who is knowledgeable about: understanding of businesses language , tools and products; training issues; training skills and abilities required for the task performance; necessary equipment ; and conditions under which the tasks must be performed .
The levels of needs assessment
Methods of organisational-level needs assessment
Methods of functional- or departmental-level needs assessment
Methods of individual-level needs assessment
Determining if training is the best solution (1 of 2) The performance problem is important and has the potential to cost the organisation a significant amount of money from lost productivity or customers. Employees do not know how to perform effectively. Perhaps they received little or no previous training or the training was ineffective. Employees cannot demonstrate the correct knowledge or behaviour. Employees were trained but they infrequently or never used the training content on the job. (cont.)
Determining if training is the best solution (2 of 2) Performance expectations are clear (input) and there are no obstacles to performance, such as faulty tools or equipment. There are positive consequences for good performance, while poor performance is not rewarded. Employees receive timely, relevant, accurate, constructive and specific feedback about their performance (a feedback issue). Other solutions such as job redesign or transferring employees to other jobs are too expensive or unrealistic. (cont.)
Advantages and disadvantages of needs assessment techniques (1 of 3) Observation Generates data relevant to work environment Minimises interruption of work Needs skilled observer Employees’ behaviour may be affected by being observed Questionnaires Inexpensive Can collect data from a large number of persons Data easily summarised Requires time Possible low return rates, inappropriate responses Lacks detail Only provides information directly related to questions asked (cont.)
Advantages and disadvantages of needs assessment techniques (2 of 3) Interviews Good at uncovering details of training needs Good at uncovering causes and solutions of problems Can explore unanticipated issues that come up Questions can be modified Time consuming Difficult to analyse Needs skilled interviewer Can be threatening to content experts, who only provide information they think you want to hear Focus groups Useful with complex or controversial issues that one person may be unable or unwilling to explore Questions can be modified to explore unanticipated issues Time consuming to organise Group members provide information they think you want to hear Status or position differences may limit participation (cont.)
Advantages and disadvantages of needs assessment techniques (3 of 3) Documentation (technical manuals and records) Good source of information on procedure Objective Good source of task information for new jobs and jobs in the process of being created Technical language may be difficult to understand Materials may be obsolete Online technology (software) Minimises work interruption Limited people input May threaten employees Potential to misuse information Requires interaction by computer or phone
Competency Areas of personal capability that enable employees to successfully perform their jobs by achieving outcomes or successfully performing tasks. A competency can be: knowledge skills attitudes values personal characteristics.
Use of competency models for training and developments They identify behaviours needed for effective job performance. They provide a framework for ongoing coaching and feedback to develop employees for current and future roles.
https://www. careeronestop
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