BTEC Level – Unit 17 Assignment 2
2: ‘Be able to produce a marketing strategy for a music product or event’ – Aural Presentation (analysis of product/event, identification of selling points, identification of target audience, type of publicity materials, placement/distribution of publicity of materials) Distinction: Produce a marketing strategy for a music product or event that analyses the selling points and the target audience For D2, the learner should evaluate the selling points of the product or event making links between materials used and the needs of the target audience to produce a comprehensive marketing strategy. Merit: Produce a marketing strategy for a music product or event that describes the selling points and the target audience To achieve M2 the learner must produce a marketing strategy that includes a more detailed description of the selling points of the product or event and provides reasons why specific types of promotional materials are appropriate to the intended audience. Pass: Produce a marketing strategy for a music product or event that identifies the selling points and the target audience The learner who achieves P2 will produce a marketing strategy that lists the most obvious selling points of the product or even and provides an unelaborated description of how marketing materials could be used to reach the target audience for the event.
Content for your presentation (Discuss Examples) Analysis of product/event: What is it? Why are you creating it/marketing it? Go into detail about the product/event, voicing your own opinion. Identification of selling points: Why would people want to pay for it? The first difference between a Merit and a Distinction is to analyse the selling points. Demonstrate that you can not only ‘list’ them, but also explain how you have thought about them in greater detail: why are they selling points? What processes did you go through to ensure that your product/event has these selling points? Identification of target audience: Who are you marketing your product at? The second difference between a Merit and a Distinction is to analyse your target audience. What do you know about them? How can you ensure that what you are offering will meet the needs of this specific group? Don’t just explain how your product/event will appeal to the target audience, prove that you truly understand your audience using other examples/information you have discovered. Type of publicity materials: How exactly are you marketing your product/event? You may be in the process of organising your product/event, but how are you going to ensure that it sells? What else are you creating to ensure that people will want to pay for your product/event? Make links between your items of publicity and the needs of your target audience. Placement/distribution of publicity materials: How will your items of publicity be physically seen? Where and how will you distribute what you have designed in order for your target audience to see what you are offering and want to pay for it? Show that you have thought about this in greater detail, using other examples where possible. Lastly, once your marketing campaign is underway, what will you do to monitor its success in the lead up to the release of the product/event?