Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (Tomorrow’s Indigenous Men) MomenTIM (Tomorrow’s Indigenous Men) Regional Coordinator Charles Jia
Department of Health published in 2013 NATIONAL ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide: origins, trends and incidence Department of Health published in 2013 Suicide (males) Age Group (highest) Deaths per 100,000 population Indigenous 25 to 29 years 90.8 suicides Non Indigenous 35 to 39 years 25.4 suicides To start with, the picture looks like this The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Strategy published these findings in a report back in 2013. The highest age-specific rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide was among males between 25 and 29 years of age (90.8 deaths per 100,000 population), four times the rate for non-Indigenous males. For the non-Indigenous population, the highest rate of suicide occurred among males between 35 and 39 years of age (25.4 deaths per 100,000). NATIONAL ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide: origins, trends and incidence Department of Health published in 2013
NATIONAL ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY Self-Harm Indigenous Non Indigenous 3.5 per 1,000 1.4 per 1,000 The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Strategy published these findings in a report back in 2013. NATIONAL ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY Self-Harm Hospitalisation for non-fatal intentional self-harm. In 2008-09, the rate of hospitalisation for non-fatal intentional self-harm was higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (3.5 per 1000) compared to non-Indigenous people (1.4 per 1000) (SCRGSP, 2011: 7.68) These statistics are really alarming. I am sure that any of you who have a close connection to a friend or family member who was lost to suicide or someone who has attempted suicide, will understand or maybe not understand the impact this has had on you, respective families or the community at large. When suicide happens we are generally left feeling very numb. Loss of human life by suicide sucks. The loss of life by suicide by a young person really, really hurts. We live in a world that is evolving extremely fast. Our technology ensures we have the ability to stay connected and informed about a whole lot of stuff, more so than ever before.
TIM - Tomorrow’s Indigenous Men MomenTIM Mo – Movember Men – 12 to 25 year old Men TIM - Tomorrow’s Indigenous Men Amidst all of this information, we are still bewildered, why someone so young would take their own life. More opportunities to learn, to work, to grow, to stay connected, etc . etc. etc. Just February this year, 7 suicides occurred in Mount Isa. All were Indigenous people. 7 in one month. For me this is not acceptable. In 2014, the Institute applied for project funding from the Movember Foundation to explore what can be done to begin working with young Indigenous males, their well-being and the services that we had a relationship with to improve their service delivery with these men, in mind.
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health Program funded by Movember Foundation Australia To work with 12 to 25 year old Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men Project sites are Wellington NSW, Deception Bay and Mount Isa IUIH established partnerships with Aboriginal Medical Services in the 3 locations to manage MomenTIM, locally.
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health MomenTIM aims to: Engage with young Indigenous males aged 12 to 25 years. (TVC 1)
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health MomenTIM aims to: De-stigmatize Mental Health for these young fellas. (TVC 2)
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health MomenTIM aims to: Build their self esteem and confidence to take control of their health and well-being
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health MomenTIM aims to: Ensure structures, procedures, clinical pathways and environments are inclusive for this group. (TVC 3)
Wellington/Dubbo Our Locations Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Service - Program Facilitator - Jay Forrester Gidgee Healing in Mount Isa- Program Facilitator – Ken Leon Moreton Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service – Program Facilitator – Deon Bird
Cultural Connections Identity Being a Man Leadership Role Models Relationships Health and Fitness Deadly Choices Social Emotional Well Being
A Whole of Community Initiative Partnerships Networks Support Management Advice Monitoring Involvement Contribution
Regional Coordinator Provide support to: Regional Site and Project Facilitators Community Coalitions Regional Service’s Clinical Process MomenTIM Regional Program Development Marketing Campaign and Incentive Program Research and Evaluation
Project Status To date: AMS engagement Research Team engagement – University of Queensland Regional Facilitators Community Engagement and Promotional Work Marketing Campaign – Commenced in July 2016 Local Workshops and Activities Brisbane Gathering 2016
Sustaining and Improving the Lives of our Young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men