New product demo + real-time update Update for the Board of Directors February 14, 2017 Presenters: Tiffany Angell, Manager of Digital Communications - Communications Rahul Sood, Manager of Software Architecture and Development - IT
New Digital Communications Team Formed 2 years ago The Digital Communications team aims to engage with the public through the progressive use of digital communication strategies including websites, mobile applications, social media, email, text messaging, and more. We are experts in design, user experience, content, and front-end development. We ensure the customer experience is always top of mind.
Real-time data live for 1 year Transit App TripGo Moovit ezRide Google Maps Transit Tracker Swiftly Bing Several apps are publishing RTD’s real-time data for passengers Usage of Transit App: ~ 20k users/month ~ 750k sessions/month ~ 4.2k downloads/month
Modes available Light rail vehicle locations now available! Real-time consists of vehicle locations and predicted arrival times Local buses launched in December 2015 (locations and predictions) Regional buses launched in May 2016 (locations and predictions) Light rail launched in December 2016 (locations) IT is currently working on light rail predictions Commuter rail predictions currently not available. Need data from DTP in order to launch.
Next Ride now live New tool on RTD website launched December 21, 2016 In-house built app provides customers with multiple ways to look up real-time information. Plus, it’s mobile, tablet, and desktop-friendly. No downloads necessary. Stop name or stop # Current location Address or landmark Route Vehicle number
Marketing Campaign Keep a look out for this campaign launching in March CAMPAIGN INCLUDES: promotions Public Information Display ads Digital ads Bus interiors Exterior cards Bus stop shelter advertisements Print ads Social media Email blasts Promotional video
Utilizes open source software New Trip Planner now live New Trip Planner launched on on December 21, 2016. Customer Care agents also started using a more robust version of the Trip Planner. Key enhancements: Trips planned based on RTD-specific business rules Real-time arrivals/departures provided for bus Ability to customize trip results to include walking, biking, and use of Park-n-Rides Station gate locations included in trip results More robust location entry field gives people more options to plan Turn-by-turn walking directions Options to see intermediate stops Utilizes open source software
Impact of Real-Time Information Improved customer satisfaction Reduces perceived and actual wait time Reduces uncertainty of riding, putting riders in more control Riders enjoy freedom to finish up work, grab a coffee, run errand, etc. Higher confidence of vehicle location Less time spent waiting Overall, riders feel less frustrated with public transportation