Lecture 20 Revision class
Exam Revision Today we’ll go back over the main topics from this class, and allow plenty of time for questions
ISM 158: Overview This class considers the role of information in business strategy. In particular, we focus on decisions regarding information technology and information systems to give a business competitive advantage over other companies. We will focus on case studies to see why some businesses are more successful than others in building information systems that lead to organizational and individual efficiencies. We look at how information impacts industries, markets and countries, and leads to technology development. We develop an understanding of design and maintenance of networked organizations, including issues of leadership and management.
ISM 158 Perspective: CIO We will generally look at decisions from the perspective of the chief information officer. Wikipedia: The chief information officer (CIO), or information technology (IT) director, is a job title commonly given to the most senior executive in an enterprise responsible for the information technology and computer systems that support enterprise goals. The title of Chief Information Officer in Higher Education may be the highest ranking technology executive although depending on the institution, alternative titles are used to represent this position. Generally, the CIO typically reports to the chief executive officer, chief operations officer or chief financial officer.
Schedule Date Topic (Reading = corresponding chapter from text) Case (Reading = corresponding case from text) Assessment 1 Tuesday April 3 Introduction 2 Thursday April 5 Business Models IBM 3 Tuesday April 10 IT and Business Models 4 Thursday April 12 Amazon.com 5 Tuesday April 17 IT and Organization 6 Thursday April 19 Boeing Optional: Business Proposal Draft
Schedule Date Topic (Reading = corresponding chapter from text) Case (Reading = corresponding case from text) Assessment 7 Tuesday April 24 Making the case for IT 8 Thursday April 26 CareGroup Project Team and Topic Due 9 Tue, May 1 IT Infrastructure 10 Thu, May 3 iPremier Business Proposal Due 11 Tue, May 8 Reliability and Security 12 Thu, May 10 Ford and Dell Project Proposal Due 13 Tue, May 15 IT Service Delivery 14 Thu, May 17 Cisco
Schedule Date Topic (Reading = corresponding chapter from text) Case (Reading = corresponding case from text) Assessment 15 Tue, May 22 IT Project Delivery 16 Thu, May 24 Vokswagen Optional: Preliminary draft due 17 Tue, May 29 Governance of IT 18 Thu, May 31 AtekPC 19 Tue, June 5 Leadership of IT 20 Thu, June 7 Conclusion Project Due Thu, June 14, 8:00 -11:00am Final Exam
Overview of Module 1 Chapter 1 Chapters 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Introduces the organizing framework for the module Defines a business model Explores evaluation of business models Chapters 2 Examines the impact of IT on business models Chapter 3 Examines the impact of IT on organizational capabilities Chapter 4 Examines the impact of IT on business value The module includes four chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the basic organizing framework for the module. It begins with a short overview that provides the definition of a business model; it then identifies an approach to conducting a business model audit. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 provide a detailed examination of the impact of IT on the three key components of a business model—strategy, capabilities, and value.
Overview of Module 2 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Introduces elements of modern IT infrastructure and core IT management issues Chapter 6 Addresses the robustness of IT capabilities; system availability and security Chapter 7 Explores contemporary IT service models and their management requirements Chapter 8 Examines IT project management The module is organized within four chapters. Chapter 5 introduces the basic elements of modern IT infrastructure and surfaces the management issues to be pursued in depth later in the module. Chapter 6 addresses the robustness of IT capabilities, with emphasis on issues of system availability and security. Chapter 7 explores new service models made possible by advances in computing technologies and discusses frameworks for managing these services, including those provided by external partners (via outsourcing). Chapter 8 addresses issues of project management, an activity that remains so critical to the delivery and enhancement of IT capabilities. The article and five cases at the end of the module provide a basis for further discussion on how to tackle value creation’s all-important last step: Execution.
Overview of Module 3 Chapter 9 Chapters 10 Discusses themes and issues in IT governance Chapters 10 Explores a way of defining and evaluating IT leadership The chapters, article, and cases in this module provide a basis for discussing the high-level management, leadership, and governance activities that set the organizational context for leveraging IT-enabled strategic insight and ensuring IT-driven operational excellence. Chapter 9 explores the concept and practice of IT governance, discussing the connection between IT governance and corporate governance responsibilities, and offering recommendations for initiating and improving IT governance efforts. Chapter 10 presents a contingency framework for considering IT leadership needs and responsibilities, based on the role that IT plays in a company. Acknowledging that the role of IT is shaped by both internal and external factors in organizations and industries, it offers recommendations for practice that account for differences and transitions in the role of IT. The article and two cases integrate concepts discussed throughout this book. They are intended to help readers explore the dynamics of business strategy, information technology use, and leadership.
Case Studies IBM Amazon Boeing Caregroup iPremier Ford and Dell Cisco Volkswagon AtekPC
Quiz (average over 4)
Business Case Grades
Total grades (except for group project and final exam)