Presentation to the Joint Oireachtas Committee Tuesday, 4th July 2017
Chairperson, Professor Pauric Travers
About the BAI The BAI is the regulator of broadcasting in Ireland. Our key functions are: Licensing. Making broadcast codes and rules. Performance reviews. Provision of funding. Monitoring and enforcing compliance. Considering complaints. Supporting the development of the broadcasting sector. Fostering the understanding of media.
BAI’s Strategic Plan 2016 marked the final year of a three-year strategy. 2016 also marked by research and preparatory work for a new strategy to govern 2017-2019. BAI’s new strategy is underpinned by research and consultation: Challenge: BAI must remain relevant in a rapidly changing media landscape. Potential: BAI is seen as a trusted and effective regulator. BAI wants to continue to collaborate with broadcasters; the Department; the JOC; and other stakeholders in delivering on new strategy.
BAI Remaining Relevant: Investing in Research Invested in the Reuters Institute Digital Survey (2015-2017). This research tells us: The rapid shift to mobile devices continues. Customers continue to resist paying for news, and select to block ads. Trust in news remains strong in Ireland, especially in traditional media. Challenge: To ensure sustainability in media business models and quality journalism. Potential: Alleviate concerns over fake news by investing in quality journalism.
BAI Remaining Relevant: Investing in Content Challenge: For broadcasters to continue producing quality, culturally-relevant content at community, local and national levels. BAI responded through: Sound and Vision: €27m allocated to 286 projects in two-year cycle. Collaboration with Canadian Media Fund: Potential model for other international collaboration. Cultivating an archiving culture: €5m invested in archiving. Commemorated 1916 through radio and TV programming.
BAI Remaining Relevant: Investing in Audiences Launch of media literacy policy in December aimed at empowering audiences to: Make informed choices about media they consume and create. Navigate media in an age of fake news. Media literacy work will not reinvent the wheel: BAI will collaborate through a Media Literacy Network.
Chief Executive, Michael O’Keeffe
Introduction New Statement of Strategy launched in February 2017: Three-year period. Strategy contains five key strategic themes: Promoting Diversity and Plurality. Achieving Excellence and Accountability. Communicating and Influencing. Empowering Audiences. Enhancing Innovation and Sectoral Sustainability.
1. Promoting Diversity and Plurality Develop and implement a revised Broadcasting Services Strategy: Research. Licensing plans. Guidelines for different type of services. Media Plurality: Ownership and Control Policy. Media merger evaluations. Increased diversity in society: Emphasis on gender and language.
2. Achieving Excellence and Accountability Compliance Action Plan: Licensed broadcasters and funding contractors. Knowledge management. Strong organisational culture and structures. Promote high standards in environmental, social and governance practices.
3. Communicating and Influencing Expertise at National and European level: Revision of AVMS. New broadcasting legislation. Communications Strategy: Engagement with public and other stakeholders.
4. Empowering Audiences Media Literacy Activities: Establishment of network (first meeting: 4th July). Broadcasting Codes and Rules: Revised General Commercial Communications. Review of Access Rules. Introduced Short News Reporting. Explore increase in participation of public in media: Priority to community sector.
5. Enhancing Innovation and Sectoral Sustainability Funding of broadcasters: Forum on Broadcasting. 5 Year Review of Public Funding. Outcomes of research in Broadcasting Services Strategy review process. Creativity and innovation: Sound and Vision Ancillary Schemes. Creative Ireland. Sectoral learning and development initiatives.