Building a culture of welcome city by city
Building a Culture of Welcome City by City There are 80 cities, boroughs and towns signed up to the Network with committed local groups. Here are just some: Medway Towns Doncaster Reading Bradford Bristol Cardiff Coventry Derry/Londonderry Exeter Hackney Hull Leeds Liverpool Nottingham Oxford Southampton Newcastle Tees Valley Stirling Malvern Hay,Brecon and Talgarth Barnsley Swansea Wakefield York Loughborough Belfast Brighton Birmingham Causeway Derby Dublin Glasgow Huddersfield Ipswich Leicester Manchester Sunderland Wolverhampton East Hoatthley and Halland Lancaster Cambridge Waterford Wrexham Today there are over 80 cities and towns signed up to the Network-each with committed local groups striving to provide a place of welcome to people seeking sanctuary Have a look at the list – can you find your city/town on there?
6th Century Irish Hymn I saw a stranger yestereen I put food in the eating place Drink in the drinking place Music in the listening place And in the sacred name of the Triune He blessed myself and my house My cattle and my dear ones And the lark said in her song Often, often, often Goes the Christ in the stranger’s guise
“Why should we love the stranger “Why should we love the stranger? Because God loves the stranger – and remember, you were strangers in Egypt.” Deuteronomy 10:19
“Do good - to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer.“ Quran 4:36
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me… Truly I tell you, just as you did this to the least of my brothers, … you did it to me” Matthew 25: 35,40
THE CORE PRINCIPLES Mainstream, grassroots movement – all sectors involved Building bridges between ‘local people’ and refugees Strengthening and broadening the support base for asylum seekers and refugees Helping create a culture of hospitality and welcome Celebrating the contribution of refugees to society Creating and enhancing networks between key players
Asylum Process- Around 12 Months Arrival in UK – port of entry Statement of Evidence form (SEF) BIA(NASS) Housing and Support (Reception centre, dispersal) (HO) asylum Interview Refused Accepted (28 days to leave NASS Support) Appeal in Court Time Limited (3yrs) (ELR, HLR, ELE, DLR) Refused Tribunal Section 4 / case resolution (Judicial Review) (Refused - Destitute, Detained & Deported or voluntary return)
WHO WILL BE INVOLVED? Education – schools, colleges, universities… Sport – big clubs, little clubs, football, rugby… Health – hospitals, health centres, community… Faith- churches, mosques, temples, small groups... Business… Voluntary – charity shops, social groups, clubs… Services – police, fire service, libraries, council… Politicians, celebrities, youth, elderly…
Resolution of Support xxxx (organisation or individual) recognises the contribution of asylum-seekers and refugees to the City of xxxx, and is committed to welcoming and including them in our activities. We support xxxx becoming a ‘City of Sanctuary’ for all newcomers, especially those seeking safety.
WHAT IS NEEDED ? Welcome, inclusion and befriending for new arrivals Sensitivity to the times of greatest need Response to destitution and detention Healing of the trauma of forced migration Understanding and myth-busting across society Recognition of the contribution refugees make to society
THE CHANGING SITUATION Cuts/ Home Office Contracts New arrivals Legal aid ESOL classes ‘New Asylum Model’ Under-funded charities Increased barriers to family reunion Fresh ideas about working together
WHAT CAN A FAITH GROUP DO? Welcome without discrimination Open eyes to see their ‘neighbour’ Teach sanctuary principles Awareness raising on asylum issues Share resources (people, space, finance) Use existing structures (small groups, festivals) to practice hospitality and inclusiveness Lobby on issues of justice and human rights Practical examples of welcoming Encourage members to volunteer and get involved Apply for a Sanctuary Award
WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR CITY? Do an inventory of the work going on These are your first partnerships City of Sanctuary will support and promote these organisations and projects, NOT get into competition with them or give them extra work City of Sanctuary can help networking and partnerships across the city City of Sanctuary always gets the message out beyond the ‘usual suspects’
Faiths in Sanctuary Awards Three Core Principles Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary; Embed - take positive action to make welcome and inclusion part of the values of your church/faith group, to support sanctuary seekers and refugees, and to include them in your activities. Share your vision and achievements;
So – what are you going to do next? OVER TO YOU So – what are you going to do next?