Are antidepressants OK for Christians? Dr Rob Waller Consultant Psychiatrist NHS Lothian
Brainstorm What is depression? What are the solutions? What are the issues around Christians taking antidepressants?
Life is a balancing act Resources Demands Consequences…
How much stress is OK? The right place to be Doing too little Living sacrifices and not burnt offerings..! Doing too little Doing too much
The stages of depression Warning signs Using up favours! Burnout Link briefly to last talk in this series David Craigie talked on Stress Depression is what happens after stress! Stress is still coping (after a fashion), Depression is not coping. Favours used up. Breaking down. Breakdown
The monamine hypothesis Not enough brain chemicals Medication raises levels Related to number of biological symptoms
When medication works -10 +10
Types of therapy / counselling Psychotherapy Directive / here-and-now [eg, CBT] Non-directive / past-focus [eg, psychoanalysis] Interpersonal Counselling Person/Client Centred [humanistic?] Christian / Biblical / Nouthetic Friendship Family / Church / Pastoral Care
Shared responsibility The two aspects of the six-fold circle that are particularly relevant to us is the spiritual-mental domain. Some stuff is just spiritual, some is just mental illness, but in the OVERLAP there are people excluded by both the church and mental health services, separated from God’s love (as Christians who cannot fellowship, or those with a nascent faith who can’t find out more), facing stigma from both sides. Are some problems ‘spiritual’? Are some problems ‘understandable’? Is making a distinction helpful?
So where do the Mind and Antidepressants fit? The Great Divide Arts BA and BD Opinion Theology Soul Perfect/Holy Sciences BSc Method Medicine Body Illness/Unholy So where do the Mind and Antidepressants fit?
Brainstorm Which of these medications would you be willing to take as a Christian? And why/not? Analgesia Paracetamol Morphine Chemotherapy Anti-epileptic medication The Morning After Pill The Combined Contraceptive Pill Analgesia Paracetamol - COX-3 action in brain and spinal cord Morphine - Delta for analgesia/Mu for euphoria and dependence - both in the brain Chemotherapy - varied action, but ‘necessary to save life’ Anti-epileptic medication - action in the brain but epilepsy seen as medical illness The Morning After Pill - objection is ethical not medical The Combined Contraceptive Pill - differential objection based on ethics not mode of action
Elastic Opinions Analgesia Paracetamol - COX-3 action in brain and spinal cord Morphine - Delta for analgesia/Mu for euphoria and dependence - both in the brain Chemotherapy - varied action, but ‘necessary to save life’ Anti-epileptic medication - action in the brain but epilepsy seen as medical illness The Morning After Pill - objection is ethical not medical The Combined Contraceptive Pill - differential objection based on ethics not mode of action
Do they work? They do work in some situations They have problems Effect on symptoms, especially bodily ones Initial impact on cycles of thoughts Reduce chance of relapse They have problems Not as effective in mild depression or longstanding unhappiness Can increase impulsivity if taken inappropriately
Things they cannot do… Address the causes of depression Change our personality Impact low self-esteem Improve our faith Build community Excuse behavior