paleolithic The paleolithic era, Is the evolution of hominids to homo sapiens and and the integration of culture into the human race. The paleolithic era was about 2.5 million years long, marked by the use of primitive stone tools.
Art and culture People during this time where nomadic, and lived in caves. Following their food source throughout the world. Some of the first cave paintings came from this era, painting is one of the oldest forms of art. The later period of the Paleolithic era showed that they knew how to put 3d images on 2d surfaces. This is important, in that it gave way to modern contemporary art.
Cave paintings This is a cave painting found in Altimira Spain. It shows the detail they used to paint. Most of their artwork was of large game, some of which had damage. It is believed that they actually attacked the paintings in belief that it would harm or kill the animal.
the largest cities and the first centers of human civilization Mesopotamia the largest cities arose in south west Asia, from present day turkey to Iran and Arabia in the middle of this region was Mesopotamia, meaning between two rivers. it was easily irrigated and farmed. it is often referred to as the cradle of human life.
The Sumerians Sumerians were the first people to use writings called cuneiform, cuneiform were pictures pressed into clay tablets. Later giving way to actual letters.
Hebrews back ground The word Hebrew comes from the word Ablhru, meaning outcast, or nomad The Hebrews were forced out of the Mesopotamian basin about 2000 BCE Their religion made the different from other near eastern tribes, it was monotheistic, meaning they only worshiped one god, where others worshiped more than one. During this time, god promised to take them to the promise land, making them the chosen people. The Jews were to set an example of high moral standards.
Moses and the ten commandments About 1300 BCE, the Hebrews were made slaves by the Egyptians. Moses, the son of a slave, was chosen by god to lead his people out of Egypt. Once out of Egypt, god gave his ten commandments to give to people to follow.
Reading: 2.4a pg,51 The ten commandments were carved into a stone tablet, and carried in a sacred chest called ”The Ark of Covenant” which were lit by seven branched candelabras called menorahs. The ten commandments became their own law,or Tora.
The Assyrian empire. The Assyrian empire, was advanced to many different determinants. Mainly, because of culture diffusion. Assyria, was known as a military empire, because they used all of the strength of their soldiers; to build tunnels under enemy ground, to attack and gain control of Mesopotamia They were power from the beginning, under the reign of Ashurnasipal ii, he was a warrior king and dominated an entire region after the fall of Babylon in 1595 BCE
Assyrian art and culture Most of their art were based on military might and lions, a traditional symbol of power to the Assyrians. They would make their own iron weapons to conquer Israel, 721 BCE. The Assyrian kings represented their might and power by showing off their palaces and having powerful visitors. Overall the Assyrians were proud of their conquests, killing enemies, and having power.
Neo-Babylonea Babylon, fell in and out of Assyrian rule. The Assyrian empire collapsed in 609 BCE, Habopassar was followed by his son and heir, Hebuchadnezzar. Hebuchadnezzar, followed in his fathers footsteps, in continuing to rebuild, and restore Babylons palace as the entrance to Mesopotamian civilization.
Ishtar Gate Ishtar Gate, was named after the Babylonian goddess of fertility. The Ishtar Gate is restored and reconstructed inside of a Berlin museum.
How it was made Made with mud and unglazed bricks, animal forms covered it with film glass. The shielding lions are actually symbols of their goddess. Also bulls with blue horns symbolic of the god of weather, and dragons with long necks. This monument to the power of Hebuchadnezzar, an affirmation to his close relation to the gods, testament to his kingdom, wealth, and well being.
Ishtar Gate restored