Workshop on Beryllium Applications and Health & Safety, 2017.6.28-30 Summary of Session 5 Chairs: Wang Pinghuai/E. Welch Workshop on Beryllium Applications and Health & Safety, 2017.6.28-30
Description of the necessary aspects to be covered by beryllium worker training program Selection of suitable beryllium worker criteria Composition of the beryllium training program and key topics included (needed duration for testing) Approach to validation of adequacy of delivered training program, need for worker periodic refresher course, medical follow ups. Selection of workers, restriction of duties for beryllium workers, tests. The type of surveillance programs used to follow up on beryllium worker protection programs, mandatory/voluntary medical follow up, training, refresher training, and medical removal from beryllium activities. Lessons learned
Training Program for Beryllium Workers at CCFE (JET experience) Topics Presenter 1 Training Program for Beryllium Workers at CCFE (JET experience) Darryl Campling/Peter Macheta (CCFE, UK) 2 Training Program for Beryllium Workers at NGK (JA experience) Keigo Nojiri (NGK, Japan) 3 Training Program for Beryllium Workers at Exo Tec (UK experience) John Madgin (Exo Tec, UK) 4 Working with Beryllium and Training Program at KBHF Aniceto Goraieb (KBHF, Germany) 5 Status of Beryllium Workers at the ITER Organization Matteo Gilardi (IO) 6 Monitoring and Handling Health Issues Valerie Juve (CEA/IO, France)
Darryl Campling – Training program for Be workers at CCFE – JET experience Content and delivery of training course at JET Why they do it. How they do it – process for implementation Detailed training content Separate refresher training Background info about Be Hazards and health effects Regulations and internal standards Explain the medical screening process Workplace controls Movement: Transfers vs clearance PPE and RPE used Contamination control Monitoring Personal air sampler Post-course assessment >70% required Refresher training: every 3 years, computer based training Classroom based; other facility-specific trainings are still required After people leave, are they given their readings? Yes, for radiation and Be exposure. (No specific active follow-up though)
Keigo Nojiri – Training program for Be workers at NGK – JA experience The company of NGK, their history and development; The Be business Be training – told a story about “Keigo”, a new Be worker at NGK Minimize risk of sensitization – reduce exposure, and select non-sensitive Be operators Keigo started at NGK 1st day: general education program, medical test, legal requirements, NGK tests Periodic medical tests to confirm continuing good results Initial education OJT of operations Test for authorizations of various levels; >85% required Then periodic training and seminars annually Keigo’s career continues, so he eventually compete for Operation Chief for specified chemical substance He gets training He supervises others Be Environmental Hygiene Management System Health of workers Non-pollution of air and water Take home: Education and training are one of the most important issues and throughout the whole career life. Periodical trainings about the Be environment hygiene management system. Continuous improvement NGK is learning, changing, improving What is allergic tendency? They do “type I” allergy test against plant and skin sensitivity.
Medical checks on induction by external medical consultancy company John Madgin – Training program for Be workers at Exo Tec – UK experience ExoTec background Medical checks on induction by external medical consultancy company Online medical questionnaire Interview with qualified nurse Interview with consultant doctor who is a Be and respiratory specialist Training Program Regular medical check-ups – bi-annually First aid for Be injuries and Restriction of duties in the event of injury Be measurements Air monitoring has been found to be a good indicator of risk Surface swab test sampling has not been found to be a good indicator of risk Learning applied to their new facility 1 Approach to a new hire who passed medical but expressed fears about working with Be? Experienced this recently. Cleaner was claustrophobic and had problems with closeness of mask etc. They discussed with him, and he got used to the PPE after a few days of light duty and felt less constricted. So introduce people slowly. 2 Will you be using washable PPE in new facility? Why washable instead of disposable? Yes, that’s the current plan. But it needs some consideration – we’re looking at it. No official decision yet.
Aniceto Goraieb – Working with Be and Training program at KBHF Workers health care and safety in a smaller scale organization Annual medical exam Risk assessment prior to new activities Based on lessons given at JET; modified for their needs and purpose Some standard approaches for the laboratory However, some unusual solutions inside Modular self-designed glove boxes Smart building Safety requirements and systems Partnerships and support from University Institutes Alternatives being considered BeYOND – Beryllium Opportunities for New Development What special manufacturing processes would you need frogman suits for that you couldn’t automate? Fill up Be pebbles for tritium breeding blankets, but it could be automated, or even if it’s automated to go repair. With your experience on Be pebble handling in your facility, is there a higher risk of contamination from pebbles compared to solid blocks? 10 kg of pebbles and did tests. Thin layer of dust on whole surface inside. Friction on pebbles provides additional dust, depending on their surface.
Matteo Gilardi – Status of Be workers at IO No Be on site; just for people who visit facilities where Be is handled IAW with ITER Agreement, we follow host nation H&S Be is classified in France, but there is no regulatory exposure limit Legal framework that is followed for different zones IAW Preliminary Safety Report Mechanism to identify Be workers Responsibility of manager to identify; included in JD Mechanism to become a Be worker Occupational health questionnaire is updated, and that drives medical surveillance Specific trainings Health, legal, access, PPE/PAS, visit procedures Certificate issued after completion of the above and reinforced medical process Refresher training every 2 years; medical visits every year This is current process for visits; will be amended once we have Be at ITER site Visit process Preparation: Questionnaires to be sent to DAs and reviewed by section leader and SHS. During the visit. Personal protection required based on the Be contamination level. Wouldn’t it be easier if we had real-time measurements for Be dust in facilities with currently available technology? Don’t believe it can be detected that way. (Many attempts to detect. There may be some funding coming for developing of a real-time monitor.)
Dr Juve – Monitoring and Handling Health Issues Role of the Occupational Doctor related to Be and the applicable regulations Working with Be in France and the applicable regulations Medical assessment and requirements Medical tests Hiring process – initial questionnaire Follow up medical visits
Best to not have rotation of Be workers – should limit the number of people exposed – that’s the best way to reduce risks. Facility owners are responsible for taking care of their visitors. What do they think of IO taking their own equipment for visits? Depends on what the visitors will see or do. Could have viewing windows which might reduce the need to prepare for visitors and reduce exposures. Good for tourist visitors, but it would be difficult here for professional use. They considered that at ExoTek. Also considered video feeds.