Student Affairs Committee Academic Policy and Student Affairs Committee
Education Access & Affordability [HB 7019] Requirements: SUS institutions to post 45 days before each term’s first day of class all required and recommended textbooks and instructional materials for at least 95 percent of all courses offered during the upcoming term. SUS institutions to examine wide cost variances among general education course sections. Each BOT to approve the Textbook and Instructional Material Affordability Report and submit it to the BOG by September 30 of each year. Authorization: Each BOT to adopt policies and institutional initiatives for innovative pricing techniques and payment options to reduce the cost of course materials.
Education Access & Affordability [HB 7019] Fall 2016 Textbook Posting: 79.33% (5,631) course sections met deadline - July 8 90% (6,392) course sections posted - August 15 Barnes & Noble Innovative Pricing Programs: Rent - 77% of all titles (discounts up to 80%) Digital - 37% of all titles (discounts of up to 60%) We continue to work with units to post course materials as timely as possible. NEW Price Match Program - $24,969 returned to 393 students $ 8,266 saved at point of sale
Education Access & Affordability [HB 7019] Fall 2016 Among FIU’s 167 General Education courses only 3 (1.8%) courses/sections report a wide cost variance of $200 or more. Course Name Course Full Retail Price Variance Department of Economics Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 2013 $389.00 $225.45 (138%) Principles of Microeconomics ECO 2023 $213.85 (122%) Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies World Regional Geography GEA 2000 $369.90 $206.55 (126%)
Education Access & Affordability [HB 7019]
Education Access & Affordability [HB 7019]
Ongoing Efforts to Reduce Course Costs for Students Education Access & Affordability [HB 7019] Ongoing Efforts to Reduce Course Costs for Students Institution-Wide: Libraries’ Free Course Reserves - 6,244 items Financial Aid’s book advances Barnes & Noble’s used/rental/digital options (discounts up to 80%) Barnes & Noble’s price matching (discounts of $32,000 Fall 2016) FIU Online’s Course “badge” (materials ≤ $20 per credit) Pilot program part of SUS Affordability Counts Initiative Individual Faculty: Requiring the same textbook for several semesters Offering bundled and/or unbundled options Using free and low-cost textbook options (e.g., open source materials) Requesting availability of single book chapters (digital)