Software for Students with Special Needs Content-free
Categories of Software Reinforcement (Drill & Practice Software) Interactive Books (Talking Stories) Content-free Software Exploratory Software Reference Software Assessment Software Access Tools / Software
Content-free Software Allows user to enter own content Benefits Use in many areas of curriculum Develop own materials to meet individual needs of students Helps students to overcome barriers to learning
Content-free Software Types: Planning and Organising Desktop Publishing / Art & Design Applications Multimedia Authoring Systems Presentation
Planning and Organising Visually organise ideas and information Can use for brainstorming, outlining, prewriting, creating diagrams and concept webbing Benefits Ideal for students who think in pictures rather than words Helps clarify and develop thoughts for planning and writing, for teachers and students alike
Planning and Organising Examples include: Draft:Builder Granada Branch Inspiration Kidspiration
Desktop Publishing/ Art & Design Applications Includes a range of writing & drawing tools Use to draw a picture, write a story, create a newsletter, prepare teacher resources etc Benefits Individualise for students by adding or removing tools Professional results help struggling students gain confidence in their work and results in quality teacher-produced resources
Desktop Publishing/ Art & Design Applications Examples include: Creative Writer Dazzle My World 3 Pages
Multimedia Authoring Systems Tools that allow the user to communicate ideas Incorporate text, graphics, sound, animation and video Benefits Encourages student creativity and can present information in attractive, exciting manner Can be used by teacher to produce learning materials
Multimedia Authoring Systems Examples includes: Clicker 4* Granada Toolkit Hyperstudio Illuminatus Opus My World 3 Storybook Weaver Deluxe Storymaker Textease 2000* *Talking word processors that include multimedia
Presentation Provides basic tools to create professional looking presentations. Allows a great deal of flexibility over presentation of information. Benefits Can be used to clarify or demonstrate points. Can design materials to meet needs of individuals. Allows students, even those with poor literacy skills, the opportunity to shine.
Presentation Examples includes: Internet Odyssey 2 Powerpoint Project Presenter Switch It Maker