Get familiar with the college website! Use the college catalog to learn about college policies, programs and courses.
Click on myNCC to access your NCC Portal to register for classes.
Log into the myNCC Portal Enter your Username and Password Click here
Click here to register for classes
Select desired term Click submit
Click on class search
New fields appear to allow for a more precise search Click on “Advanced Search”
Highlight a “Subject” if you are looking for a course in a specific subject. Example: Mathematics Highlighting “All” will bring up courses in every subject. Enter a course number if you are searching for a specific course. Example: 101
Search by “Session” to bring up only courses offered in specific time periods. Examples: Day, Evening, Friday Evening, Weekend, Online Designate specific “Start Time”, “End Time” or “Days” of the week if your availability is limited or you are looking for a course that meets in a specific time slot.
Search by “Attribute Type” when searching for courses with a specific attribute needed to meet a specific requirement area. Examples: Fine and Performing Arts Physical Education GFOL SUNY Foreign Language
Sample Search: PSY 203, during the day
CRN designates a specific section of the course Class meeting times and days (TR= Tuesday and Thursday) Class closed; no seats available One student on waitlist
Class is open One seat available No one on the waitlist
Class appears open with one seat available Seat is not available to you since there is a student on the waitlist; you can only add yourself to the waitlist!
Click on CRN number for more info about a course
This section is restricted; choose a different section of the same course Click here to read the course description
Read the course description to determine if you want to take the course; read if there are any pre-requisites (a course that must be completed before enrolling in a course.)
Click on the box and press Enter on your keyboard or click “Register” at the bottom
Watch for a warning that you selected a course that will not be covered by Financial Aid; this usually means the course is not needed in your program. You are registered!