7th Grade Social Studies Mrs. Lowe Curriculum Night 8-17-2017 7th Grade Social Studies Mrs. Lowe
Social Studies Topics 1st Semester - Westward Migration, Causes of the Civil War, Civil War, and Reconstruction (Current Events, Geography, Economics, Civics) 2nd Semester - Industrialization, Progressive Era, Imperialism, World War I, Great Depression ending with Pearl Harbor (Current Events, Geography, Economics, Civics)
Course Objectives Students will: Expand their knowledge of US and Arizona History. Use a variety of primary and secondary resources to obtain and present information (Arizona College and Career Ready Standards). Study and understand the Unites States’ place in the world Become aware of the world around them and how our history has shaped that world
What will students be expected to do? Quarterly writing assignments to support writing across the curriculum The writings will be informative(1st and 3rd quarter) as well as argumentative(2nd and 4th quarter) Students will also have various projects throughout the year.
ST.A.R. Program A program that lays out expectations for behavior on campus. (STay safe, Act responsibly, Remain respectful) We are teaching and reviewing on a daily basis the expected behavior during passing periods, entering class, during class, and exiting class, and on Fridays with backpack organization. The expectations for behavior are consistent in all classes. We will reinforce the proper behavior with tickets that can be redeemed for a privilege.
Grading Policy Assessments will make up 100% of the grade and come from the AZCCRS. Assessments are any assignment done independently (exit tickets, quizzes, tests, worksheets) Projects are also considered assessments(group, partner, independent)
Contact Information Jillian Lowe 7th Grade Social Studies 480-472-8361 jalowe@mpsaz.org Website: http://www.mpsaz.org/fremont/staff/jalowe/
Thank You Thank you for taking the time to come to Curriculum Night Travel home safely.