Your Guide to success IN Ms. wright's class


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Presentation transcript:

Your Guide to success IN Ms. wright's class Welcome!! Your Guide to success IN Ms. wright's class

A little bit about me

Ms. Wright Born and raised in Orange County, California. I have lived and studied in 2 other countries besides the United States. I received my degree in History Education from Northern Arizona University. I love catching up on Netflix, cheering on my favorite NHL team, traveling, and doing/seeing anything Disney.

A little about you

Let’s Go to Work

General Housekeeping Complete notes, activities, and warm-ups on a separate sheet of paper College ruled, no frilly edges please!  Activities: If handouts are needed, I will ask for a volunteer to pass them out. Please answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper unless otherwise instructed. Warm-ups are still required to be completed even if you were absent so make sure you check the class website or ask a classmate for the assignment. Warm-ups will be collected every Thursday (Staple all of them together please!)

Requirements for every warm-up ALWAYS have 8 complete sentences. Upper Right Hand Corner: Name (First and Last) Date Period Write out the question as the title.

Warm-up for September 08, 2016 How do you interact with media in your day to day life? Remember the format: 8 complete sentences with proper punctuation. Name (First and Last), Date, and Class Period in the upper right hand corner. Write the question out as the title of your paper.

Anyone feel like sharing? I need three volunteers…

The next slide will guarantee your success this block Pay Attention!

USE MY WEBSITE For Everything!!!

Learn it, live it, love it Find your class title Click on it There you can find the syllabus, daily warm-ups, daily agendas, assignments, notes, etc.

Just so you can see what it looks like… Welcome to the class webpage for World History I with Ms. Wright! Using the buttons below or the navigational menu at the top, you will be able to access anything and everything you might need to succeed in this class.

Policies from Room 104 What to do and how to do it

How to enter the classroom Be greeted at the door by Ms. Wright Eye contact and something along the lines of “Hello,” “Good morning,” “How are you today?” Place your cellphone, headphones, smartwatches, and any other technology in your backpack and zip it up. Walk to your desk. Look at the whiteboard to see what materials you will need for the day. Take those items (and only those items) out of your backpack and place them on your desk. Zip your backpack up and place it on the back of your chair or underneath your desk. Not in the aisles, please! Begin the warm-up. Turn in any assigned HW.

What to do when the bell rings When the bell rings, you should be in your seat quietly working on the warm-up. Ms. Wright will check to see that you have the paper formatted properly by the time the bell has rung.

Where to turn in homework Homework should be turned in by the time the bell rings. Homework goes into the bins on the front table by the Smartboard. Please place your assignment in the bin for correct class period Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4

When I need Your Attention When I need your attention, I’ll stand at the front of the room and say or do one of the following things: Raise my hand in the air, palm open “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your respect up here please?” “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your eyes and ears on me please?”

What did I miss when I was gone? If you are absent, it is your responsibility to follow up on what has been missed. Check 3 before me (website, classmate, folder) Check with Ms. Wright The absent folder is hanging on the back wall of the classroom, underneath the clock.

Whose paper is this? If you do not put your name on your paper, I will not grade it. If you have a 0 on an assignment and you know you turned it in, check the no name folder. Located on the front table next to the turn in box.

When you gotta go… Please come and see me and ask to use the restroom I will sign off on your bathroom pass You will sign in/out on the clipboard, take the pass, and then you can go. You will have 4 passes over the block so use them wisely If you have extra passes at the end of the block you can earn 3 extra credit points per unused pass. Out of consideration for myself and your classmates, there will be no restroom breaks… During notes/class discussion/when instructions are being given During quizzes/tests When someone else is out

Electronics Your phone, headphones, smartwatches, iPads, etc. should be inside your backpack before you cross the threshold of the classroom. Make sure it is on silent or off. If I see it, I take it and it goes to the office. Period. End of Story. You may only use your electronics when I allow you to for class purposes.

But I’m hungry/thirsty… Only water in class and it must be in a container with a screw on lid. No food unless you ask me first and I give you permission. There will be candy…but you have to earn it! Participate, turn it your work, do the right thing without me having to ask you, be a good person and you might get a reward!

Test time! “You may look up for inspiration, down in desperation, but never front nor back nor side to side for INFORMATION.” – Ms. Wright From the student handbook: “A student caught cheating on daily classwork, an exam, major class project, or term paper a will receive a zero grade on the assignment with no opportunity to make up the work. A mandatory parent conference will take place and student will be placed on an academic integrity contract.”

Ms. Wright – I’m just not feeling it today Come in and grab a speck off my desk. Sign it out on the chart next to the bucket. As long as you are in my class & you have a speck on your desk here is what happens: I won’t call on you to answer questions. No other students can talk to you or bother you. MOST IMPORTANTLY, no one (including myself) can ask why you needed a speck. This is not a crutch. You only get 3 chances to use the speck over the block. If you need to use it more than three times, then we are going to talk.

What does a speck look like?

The bell doesn’t dismiss you… I will give you plenty of time to pack up so that you are ready when the bell rings. When I dismiss you, you can put your materials away. Once your materials are in your bag, please remained quietly seated in your assigned seat.