Professional Learning Initiatives Overview
Professional Learning in PCSD The BOE and the PDTA are committed to supporting ongoing professional learning for all staff that: Is aligned with district, building, and individual goals Is standards-based, job embedded, supported by data Creates a collaborative culture that focuses on student achievement
The PDTA Contract Beginning in 2008-2009, professional staff members are required to participate in 12 hours of professional learning annually.
Professional Learning Initiatives There are three types of professional learning that will fulfill the 12 hour requirement: District Initiatives Building Level Initiatives Individual Initiatives [with principal’s approval]
District Initiatives include: Assessment Analysis of data & student work to inform instruction Standards-based planning & instruction Using technology to support instruction Social Emotional Learning Literacy with an emphasis on writing
District Initiatives include: Conceptual understandings in mathematics Developing, testing, and refining protocols for professional learning Differentiation Co-teaching RTI and IST Training Special Needs Committee topics
Elective Offerings The Teacher Center will continue to offer professional learning experiences beyond those that are identified as “initiatives.” Participation in those courses will not count toward the required hours, but may receive pay. [according to PDTA contract]
Teacher Center Registration The Teacher Center catalogs and online registration system are available in WinCap PD. NOTE: The Professional Learning Initiatives catalog contains those courses that will meet the contractual requirement. The Electives catalog contains courses that do not meet the contractual requirement.