Best Practice Thematic Conference Workshop Inclusion and Special Needs Tuesday , 23 May 2017 , h 9:00 – 16.30 Sassari ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP n. 2014-1-IT02-KA201-003491_1 “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs
Shared presupposition among the school involved in the project ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Shared presupposition among the school involved in the project Early school leaving is a hot topic in all Europe A high percentage of students show a low motivation towards school and sometimes difficulties in living inside it Very often this negative reaction is due to A BAD QUALITY OF THE SCHOOL INCLUSIVE PLAN
Our strategic partnership is aimed at developing ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Our strategic partnership is aimed at developing initiatives to promote young people’s social inclusion and well-being at school HOW? improving students’ key-competences THROUGH the revision and strengthness of the teaching professions
ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Step by step we have worked at the elaboration of an Organic Protocol for the Inclusion of Students with Special Needs with the aim to change attitudes, approaches and methodologies inside our schools The project implies a detailed examination of how the obstacles to learning and to each student’s participation can be overcome
ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs All the 8 schools involved in the project enroll a certain percentage of students with Special Educational Needs such as: Orphans Students belonging to very poor/deprived families Immigrants Nomads Students with disabilites Students with affective problems ( lack of self-esteem, anxiety without self-control, low motivation, eating disorders) Students with cognitive delays Students with mood and behaviour disorders ( showing aggressive, limit-crossing behaviour, bullying, depression ) Students with scholastic skill disorders
self-assessment and self-development ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs The inclusive development in our schools has been based on a research procedure which has the purpouse of promoting a serious school self-assessment and self-development An inclusive approach in schools calls for important changes at organizative and managerial level The scientific framework to our project is defined inside the following Guide Lines: “Index for Inclusion” by Booth and Ainscow, published in 2000 The kit for the QUADIS pedagogical quality of inclusion self-assessment, elaborated by a research group from Lombardy Region ( Italy )
ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Since September 2014, the partnership has been following the development process defined in the 5 phases of INDEX: 1. Starting using Index 2. Analysis of the level of inclusion in the school 3. Elaboration of an Annual Inclusion Plan 4. Working on priorities 5. Revision of the process with Index
ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Development of a curriculum attentive to diversity and to the promotion of inclusive formative plans An inclusive school offers inclusive lessons In its third year, the project foreseens the elaboration of Teachers’ Recommendations with a range of inclusive lessons (with structure, methodological and organizative and evaluation) Learning, Teaching and Training Activities The idea is to experiment inclusive lessons based on different methodological approaches to try out during the training sessions organized in the different countries involved. The LTT activities are conducted by specialized teachers working in the schools of the partnership. All the school involved share all the varieties of special needs previously listed, but each of them has developed a special ability in some peculiar aspects of the Special Educative Needs. “Explotation” of our European collegues’s competences and Government financial investments in teacher training Teachers will have to reflect on the application of the didactic, methodological and evaluative strategies to apply
An inclusive way of teaching and learning ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Structuring Specific Training Courses for Teachers The six training sessions planned have foreseen : TRAINING interventions ( phase of the professional advice and familiarization with contents and tools ) combined with COACHING support (actions both backing and supporting pedagogically and on the organizative point of view during the whole training sessions) After the training sessions, teachers try out an inclusive lesson with the local students. The training sessions are interactive, based on discussions among all the partner groups The group work assure the developing of sharing, counseling and training on the methodologies and the didactic tools adopted and to be adopted. The host school coordinator tutors the training session so that the activities can be interactive and learner-centred An inclusive way of teaching and learning
ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs The five day session were organized in this way: 1st day: introduction to the theoretical and normative framework 2nd day: introduction to example of inclusive activities : lab 3rd day: producing an inclusive lesson in group-work modality: laboratorial work 4th day: testing lessons previously planned by the host country in the classes with the local students 5th day: Assessment and transferability Teachers have to fill in a TRAINEE'S JOURNAL, a tool elaborated by the Scientific Committee in order to give an answer to the different levels of competences and formative teachers' needs. The assessment of the LTT activities is carried out thanks to a Quality Manual: booklet of assessment instruments for the LTT Activities elaborated by the Scientific Transnational Committee
First Year Activities 2014 - 2015 Starting using INDEX Creation of the project website C.1. First Learning, Teaching, Training activity: "How can we improve our teaching methods to make students with dysgraphia, dyslexia and discalculia more successful in our schools?” Italy Working at the comparison among the different school systems involved related to the area of children with special needs’ inclusion Elaboration of the project logo to assure more visibility and homogeneity to the project First Transnational project meeting in Romania Analysis of school: elaboration, sharing and implementation of questionnaires for the self-analysis of inclusion quality in our schools. Definition of a group for the internal analysis Collection of data, needs identification, analysis of possible causes Communication of the results of analysis carried out and definition of priority C.2.Second Learning, Teaching, Training activity: "Practical trainings and methods: How to practically work in classes with mixed-up abilities: you can shape your concentration, memory and attention" Poland Evaluation activity and report to our National Agency ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs
Elaboration of the Annual Inclusion Plan Model Second Year Activities 2015- 2016 C.3.Third Learning, Teaching, Training activity: ""How to make an allophone student member of the class" "France Elaboration of the Annual Inclusion Plan Model Elaboration of the Common Annual Inclusion Plan Elaboration of a Special Education Needs Identification Card C.4.Fourth Learning, Teaching, Training activity: "Education, diversity and curricular flexibility: knots and loops in communication - Dealing with complex communication needs" Portugal Evaluation activity and report to our National Agency Dissemination Day Sassari – 6th June 2016 ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs
Third Year Activities 2016 - 2017 ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs Third Year Activities 2016 - 2017 Starting elaborating Recommendations for Teachers related to the area investigated during the Learning, Teaching, Training activity already carried out ( Italy, Poland, France, Portugal ) Starting planning inclusive Learning Didactic Unit ( Romania, Turkey ) Dissemination day - Citizenship: A new ethic for the 21ST Century in Florence 21-23 September 2016 C.5.Fifth Learning, Teaching, Training activity: "Didactic methods to prevent youth psychological mood disorders" ( Lithuania ) Elaborating Recommendations for Teachers related to the area investigated during the Learning, Teaching, Training activity already carried out (Lithuania ) Planning inclusive Learning Didactic Unit ( Romania, Turkey ) C.6.Sixth Learning, Teaching, Training activity: "Didactic methods to teach in classes where children with different problems leading to bad behaviour are present" ( Latvia ) Elaborating Recommendations for Teachers related to the area investigated during the Learning, Teaching, Training activity already carried out (Latvia ) Planning inclusive Learning Didactic Unit ( Romania, Turkey ) Second Transnational Meeting in Italy Dissemination day – Sassari in collaboration with USR Sardegna and School Inclusion Groups of Sassari Province Final evaluation of the project and documentation
Products of the Project General Assessment Manual Quality Manual: booklet of assessment instruments for the LTT Activities Learning, Teaching, Training Course Programmes (6) Trainee’s Journals (6) Transnational reports on the Learning, Teaching, Training Course carried out (6) Transnational report on the lessons observed (6) PPP of the lessons held (6) Questionnaires from Quadis used for the inclusion level analysis Report on the inclusion level analysis in the schools involved in the project Brief description of the C. Activity held (9) ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs
Products of the Project Report on the normative framework regarding inclusion in the countries involved Procedures reports ( 9 ) Protocols Recommendations for teachers on the inclusive thematic carried out Brochure dissemination day June 2016 Annual Inclusive Plan Website Book Marker Dissemination day 6TH June 2016 Logo Dissemination day June 2017 Final evaluation of the project ERASMUS+ ACTION KA2 SCHOOL TO SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “Europe for Inclusion” Protocol for Students with Special needs
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