Missouri Breakout Session Collaboration – Connecting with LEAs H325A120003
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR) In light of many of these difficulties, CEEDAR was developed as a response. H325A120003
Disclaimer This content was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Award No. H325A120003. Bonnie Jones and David Guardino serve as the project officers. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or polices of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned in this website is intended or should be inferred.
Session Description In Missouri, multiple educator preparation programs and local education agencies (LEA) have developed innovative models of clinical preparation. Missouri CEEDAR team members will share these various models and how other state teams could initiate and sustain similar models.
After we finish this session: We will all have new strategies for initiating and sustaining partnerships between EPPs and LEAs, particularly in the ways we create our clinical practice experiences.
Essential Questions What are some innovative models of clinical preparation that result from partnerships between EPPs and LEAs? What mechanisms and strategies can be used to initiate and sustain partnerships between EPPs and LEAs? What barriers might teams face in initiating and sustaining models of clinical preparation? What are potential strategies for addressing those barriers?
Padlet padlet.com/lizmeitl/4ir1n2u8wj67 Use this space to record questions and observations during presentations and small group discussions. Feel free to respond to questions you can answer!
Warm Up What do LEA partnerships look like at your institution or in your state?
Missouri Baptist University Dr. Susan Hladky Dr. Melanie Bishop
Sunshine State University John Doe, Ph.D. OBJECTIVES & GOALS Embed Tier One (MTSS) instructional strategies in all methods courses. Provide instructional models that demonstrate Tier One instruction. Ensure candidates in both the regular and special education track are required to take coursework that will support effective Tier One instruction. Continuous review of course syllabi (using Innovation Configurations) and textbook selections for core methods courses CEEDAR and Iris resources are available for all faculty and shared during regularly scheduled staff meetings Purchase Chrome Books to provide course-embedded use of computer applications that align with research-based practices Develop partnerships with districts that have identified Response to Intervention (Tier One) is in place. Place field experience students with teachers who exhibit effective Tier One instruction. Incorporate presentations from partner district personnel on effective Tier One instruction. Expand partnership options so students at the regional learning centers have access to year-long internship options Add year-long internship options for middle school education students beginning fall 2017 Seek options for secondary (high school) and K-12 education majors Implement a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in collaboration with a partner district fall 2017 FUTURE WORK Continue to provide professional development opportunities for MBU faculty 2. Continue the syllabi review project Evidenced–based instruction and research-based practices 3. Grow the partnership network Technology applications to enhance instruction 4. Consider options for secondary Multi-tiered Systems of Support certification candidates Collaboration with PK – 12 partners
Small group discussion What are ways to initiate new partnerships?
University of Missouri-St. Louis Dr. April Regester Dr. Nancy Singer
Informing Teacher Education Systems fostering inclusive education for all students. Continued conversation across community agencies / educational institutions. Continued Professional Development around Inclusive practices in all content areas. New structures maintained – Clinical Experience Office (early-mid level), Committees, Positions Assessment Meetings - Establishing core commitments within UMSL Education degrees. Alternative programs alignment with main campus, TESOL/Mental Health/Secondary scale up Scale-Up and Sustainability Grant Proposals – UM Research; Spencer Grant for continued funding support
Small group discussion What are ways to sustain long-term partnerships?
Avila University Dr. Sue McCalley
PHASE I: MAKING PREPARATIONS IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PHASE II: ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT “Children with special needs” language and initiatives were added to the Avila School of Education Diversity Plan. Two professional development sessions with Avila School of Education faculty and the Teacher Education Advisory Board Professional development meeting with the Avila Teaching Excellence Team (TEXT) mentors regarding current practices and issues in special education. School of Education closely analyzed the curriculum and programs to create a cross-program unit matrix K-12 Teaching Excellence Team (TEXT) Mentors professional development meeting to align what assessment tools were being taught in teacher education courses with what was actually being used in the K-12 contexts. K-12 professional development with TEXT Mentors focusing on MTSS. Two professional development sessions focusing on UDL and MTSS with Avila School of Education faculty and Education Advisory Board. PHASE III: INTEGRATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PHASE IV: STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIPS New assessment instruments integrated into specific education and general education courses Integrated MTSS into all courses in the literacy block School of Education faculty identified Avila SOE Top Ten Higher Level Practices (HLP) and specific Evidence Based Practices (EBP) to support each HLP. These will be integrated throughout the entire curriculum. An organizational matrix is being developed. Professional development training for K-12 Teaching Excellence Team (TEXT) focused on Avila’s Top Ten HLP and EBP strategies. Presented Top Ten HLP and EBP to Education Advisory Board. Host Leadership Institute for K-12 Partners Focus of Institute will be Current Issues in Special Education, MTSS, Avila Top Ten HLPs and EBPs. Continue to integrate MTSS into specific courses Plan for integrating PBIS into specific courses. Continue developing partnerships with districts in the metropolitan Kansas City, MO area.
Small group discussion What are potential barriers to initiating and sustaining LEA partnerships? What are potential solutions to overcoming barriers?
University of Central Missouri Dr. Lisa Robbins Dr. Nicky Nickens
Incorporate knowledge and practice of Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction into educator preparation programs Incorporate UDL, DI information into courses for administrators Analyze POS for SPED Directors EPPs in MO will prepare educators to teach in collaborative, learner-centered, inclusive schools using high-leverage, evidence-based practices with increasing levels of academic and SEB supports to positively impact the achievement and readiness of all learners. develop and execute an implementation timeline for the adoption of CLASS (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) as a coaching and formative assessment observation instrument that assesses the quality of teacher-learner interactions in pk-12 classrooms. A training module was developed for all faculty teaching P-12 courses that addresses ways to incorporate Differentiated Instruction in to all curriculum content areas. Data were collected from all recent graduates regarding their knowledge of behavior management strategies versus classroom management strategies. All Elementary,ECE, and Special Education pre-service teachers will take coursework that provides them with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior management strategies. Curriculum to teach behavior management strategies is being developed, and will be implemented unit wide. Provide special-education-focused clinical experience for all teacher education students ECSE, MMCC, ECE, Elementary, and Middle School majors will experience year-long student teaching placement EC, Elementary, and MS majors experience significant clinical experience throughout junior level year UCM plans and tracks clinical placements for all education students to experience all aspects of diversity, including exceptionalities, language differences and impoverished populations Provide technology and instructional technology education for all teacher education students to promote a highly inclusive setting in all classrooms All education students receive an iPad during foundations courses (1-on-1 assignment) Transformational Learning Initiative supports instructional use of iPad Badging program ensures that all education students learn about adaptive/assistive technologies Professional Development List of possible speakers and related topics has been developed, some local and some more nationally known Implement a summer institute Provide topics during Fall and Spring University Learning Days
Small group discussion What are some models you would like to try in your state?
Closing/Reflection Take 3 – 5 minutes to record the three most important things to share back your team. Share those items with a neighbor.
Goooooo Missouri!