Walton Support and Enrichment Year 11-12 Induction
Why do we Offer Walton Support and Enrichment? Opportunity to enhance their UCAS application or C.V. Excellent experience in a wide variety of settings Gain leadership and organisation skills
What’s the Difference Between Walton Support and Enrichment? Enrichment happens on a Wednesday afternoon P5-6. It can be in or out of school. They MIGHT need to organise a different time with an outside organisation. Enrichment could be Young Enterprise Sports Leader Work Experience hospital, school, pharmacy, law firm, engineering company, charity shop etc Volunteering – could be in the community or in school Weds 5&6 and Thurs 1&2 Creative writing group
Walton Support is organised by the student with a teacher at a mutually convenient time It happens at school.
What is Walton Support and what can you do? Activity / Task Number of Students Special Requirements Contact Support specific students in Food Tech 1 for any Key stage 3 group A good general knowledge of food processes Mrs Green or Mrs Stevens or Miss Perks Help a year 7-11 tutor in registration 1 for any Y8-11 Group 2 Year 7 Get along with people. Reliable Sign planners See the relevant tutor Support for students in ICT Able to use ICT proficiently Mr Salter Organise an inter-tutor house sports competition 5 Good Knowledge of the rules of popular sports Mr Valentine Help with a Football / Rugby team Available during match fixtures and team practice Mr Williams
Walton Support Helping / Organising with clubs and activities Year 7 mentors / peer mentors Helping students on a one to one basis in core subject areas Supporting teachers with particular classes and activities Break-time supervision
Walton Support “Give back” to the school community Must be undertaken in school In addition to Enrichment Equivalent of 1X 50 minute period every week Role model Positive involvement with the House System Counts towards the AQA Bacc 100 hours
Lots of other Possibilities Dance club – help prepare for Expressions Help in Student Support Help with drama clubs and / or lunchtime supervision of Y7 in the drama studio Maintain and update classroom displays by helping the Art technician Help out in any subject at all Maths department always have plenty of vacancies – see Mrs Hanson Science Clubs Become a part of the senior students team
Enrichment Contributes directly to the AQA Bacc Qualification – Minimum 100 hours needed in total It can be done in or out of school. Not necessarily on Wednesday. Students negotiate their own arrangements - work experience placements must be approved before you start work
Work Experience Out of school placements must be approved Letter from home needed Confirmation that the organisation is willing to accept you. Forms with employer contact details etc. must be returned for approval
Volunteering McMillan Coffee morning – 12 hours Supporting Katharine House – 6-8 hours Listen to young readers in one of the feeder primary schools Students needed to help regularly in the step centre Arrange extra lesson support / clubs and activity work in school Support the work of the sixth form Committee – Big events
Sports Leader & Young Enterprise Valued by admissions tutors Sports Leader -organising events in feeder primaries Young Enterprise - find out about running a real company Take part in a local trade fair Prepare business plans, trade fairs accounts and company reports Present to business professionals Give you the edge to make your application stand out
The AQA Baccalaureate Overarching qualification with three main strands in addition to 3 full A Level subjects and 1 AS in a 4th subject EPQ – Extended Project Qualification Enrichment Diary
Extended Project Students choose an area of interest in their subject, but not on the teaching specification Must investigate a question that they formulate Either produce a 5,000 word document Or make a product supported with 1,000 word explanation Invite small audience for their presentation
Enrichment Diary Activities done in Walton Support and Enrichment can contribute to the strands of the Baccalaureate Enrichment diary. On line diary where they log all of their extra activities
Accreditation Pass Merit Distinction Result is dependent on overall A level grades