Enrichment of the Social Capital Polo Europeo della Conoscenza Progetto LLP Grundtvig S.S.P.G.”Biagio Siciliano” CAPACI Projects in adult training
Scientific Research demonstrates that Human Social Capital can be developed by empowering individuals and there is a link between human capital and social capital.
On the basis of our Social Capital questionnaire results addressed to the school Staff of the institution we knew the Staff’s needs.
We pointed out how the collaborative human relations inside the working environment are important for school teachers and adults.
Moreover school Staff considered the genuiness in relationship, the sharing (of values, rules, political project of the school) and availability the most important aspects we have to act on to enrich Social Human Capital. On this basis we consider of primary importance to involve people in projects related to collaborative human relations.
is to offer teachers, adults and parents The goal of the project is to offer teachers, adults and parents the opportunity to work together to establish relationship in our territory in order to improve and increase their Social Capital.
FOOD AND GOOD HEALTH The project “Food and good health” aims at developing long lasting relationship and collaborative relationship among school health system, local authorities, volonteers, families to improve a cultural change through good eating habits.
Local Public Institutions have been involved for: To promote educational projects to develop at school and to extend to the territory, with the scope to train people conscious that healthy stiles of life like a correct alimentation are indispensable to health.
School Staff, students, volonteers and families have been involved for: To promote the use of correct alimentary habits; To develop positive relationship; To improve social communication; To know how to work in team and to express one’s own opinion.
The conclusion of the project: At the conclusion of the project, in the first days of June, there will be organized the day of “ well…being “ where our Institution will present all the activities made.