BICS PAC Treasurer Report May 17, 2017 Income Total : $112 Expenses Total : -$2,593 -2,720 Hot Lunch (net $8,650 to date) Family Ed: Dyslexia $85.00 Health Education $91.50 $2792.43 Clothing Sale Playground Reimbursement -$2776.68 Total Income in May was $112. This includes income from the hot lunch program of $929.14 and expenses $3,649.28 for a net negative $2,720. There are still some outstanding A/R, there is also expenses for 3 more lunches to account for. The clothing sale brought in $2792 this month after paying $100 for the rental of the chapel, $99 for the purchase of the food that was sold, and $49.82 for printing of ads. Expenses this month included travel reimbursement for the Dyslexia talk, travel reimbursement for the health education talk last month, a return of $2,776.68 from the CSA for the playground, as well as $7 in bank fees. Bank Fees $7
Fundraiser Update Budget v Actual Amazing accuracy in terms of predicting money made from fundraising, congratualtions. **High confidence estimation
Reserve Funds Update No change in reserve funds. Would like to transfer the $3,381.57 for the projector and screen to the district trust account, as this project is moving forward. Would like approval to move projector screen reserve funds to SD45 trust account so funds are available as this project moves forward.
Draft Budget for 2017/18 Music Program $400 Library/Literacy $2,000 Classroom funds $3,450 Principal Funds Homework Club $1,000 Subsidies/Field Trip Support PE Athletic Program $300 Student Directory $180 Community School Coordinator $150 Grade 7 Graduation Staff Appreciation Water Filtration $250 Emergency Funds $- Dues & Fees $75 General Administrative Expenses Meetings Travel Coffee Fund School Kitchen $500 Contribution to Technology Reserve PAC initiative #1 $5,000 PAC Initiative #2 $2,000 Computer & Technology Cultural Enrichment $600 Science Enrichment $500 PE Enrichment $2,100 Health Education $850 Family Education $1,000 Roots of Empathy Honorarium $250 Garden Program Using the current years budget as a baseline, it is easy to see there is opportunity to begin some new initiatives for the PAC. It may be necessary to start to plan for a longer term project. This will need to be discussed and finalized when the new Executive team is in place.
2016/2017 Budget Summary This shows the budget summary to date. The PAC still needs to raise $6,743 for the year, and currently still plans to spend another $12,725 as budgeted. Keep in mind that the income will be reduced as money is spent for the hot lunch program There are still significant fundraising events like the Art Show and BIRD which have a high likely hood of filling in the current income shortfall. Also, $2,000 of income and expenses were allocated for Learning Commons Tables and chairs, not sure this will happen still this year.