Alaska Purchase The United States and Russia agreed on a sale price of 7.2 million dollars and Alaska became an American territory in 1867.
Alaska Purchase Between 1854 and 1856 Russia fought the Crimean War with England and other European nations for access to world maritime commerce. Russia lost the war. In 1855 and 1856 British and French warships attacked eastern Russia. This raised a question about the security of Russian America. Could the Russians protect Alaska in Russian America? The Tsar and his council decided that the best course of action was to sell Russian America and concentrate on Asia. When that information became public, the United States quickly indicated an interest in the region. Source 1. Source 2.
Hawaii In 1893 A group of residents, mostly Americans who had become prominent in the Hawaiian economy, engineered the overthrow of the monarchy of Queen Liliuokalani. The kingdom was overthrown, and a republic was formed with U.S. support. This was followed by the joint annexation resolution of Congress in 1898, the final stamp of U.S. domination. This status was confirmed by the establishment of a territory on June 14, 1900. Source 1; source 2; source 3.
Panama Canal The first attempt to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama took place between 1881-1898 after the Colombian government granted a concession to France. In 1902, the United States purchase the equipment of the from the French. In 1903, negotiations with Colombia broke down, and Panama declared its independence with full support and encouragement from the U.S. In 1904, Panama gave the U.S. permission to build the canal. The canal opened in 1914. Source 1; source 2.
Open Door Policy After a war between China and Japan (1894–95), Russia, France, Germany, and Great Britain wanted exclusive rights with China. A new interest in foreign markets had emerged there following the economic depression of the 1890s. The United States also had just gained the Philippines, Guam, and Hawaii and was becoming increasingly interested in China, where American textile manufacturers had found markets for cheap cotton goods. With the Open Door Policy the U.S. succeeded in keeping China open for free trade with every country, which was favorable to the expanding American economy. The Open Door Policy also indicated to other countries that the U.S. was now a major world power. Source 1;.
The Boxer Rebellion The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-western movement in China. On August 14, 1900, an international force finally captured Beijing, relieving the foreigners and Christians besieged there since June 20. “Boxers” was a name that foreigners gave to a Chinese secret society known as the Yihequan (“Righteous and Harmonious Fists”). The group practiced certain boxing and calisthenic rituals in the belief that this made them invulnerable. In the late 19th century, because of growing economic impoverishment, a series of unfortunate natural calamities, and unbridled foreign aggression in the area, the Boxers began to increase their strength in the provinces of North China. By late 1899 the Boxers were openly attacking Chinese Christians and Western missionaries. By May 1900, Boxer bands were roaming the countryside around the capital at Beijing. Finally, in early June an international relief force of 2,100 men was dispatched. Foreign powers wanted to stop the rebellion to keep the Chinese markets open to commerce. Source 1; source 2.
The Spanish-American War began when the U. S The Spanish-American War began when the U.S. accused Spain of sinking the USS Maine.
We now know that the most likely cause was an accident within the ship.
The Rough Riders were the 1st Volunteer Cavalry in the Spanish–American War, a regiment of U.S. cavalry volunteers recruited by future president Theodore Roosevelt and composed of cowboys, miners, law-enforcement officials, and college athletes, among others. Their colorful and often unorthodox exploits received extensive publicity in the U.S. press.
The U.S. found little resistance from the Spanish military in Manila
Find three points each cartoon tries to make
American Possessions in 1907
American Possessions in 1906
Other Sources: Source (also for all images): Info on Span-Am War as sign of rise to world power: Maine goes down, uproar, volunteers: LOC WEBSITE: PBS on yellow journalism: Panama Canal: History: Hawaii: