DLI Ontario Training December 7, 2016 Jane Fry and Kristi Thompson Product Updates: Surveys on Labour, Household Spending, Justice, and Post-Census DLI Ontario Training December 7, 2016 Jane Fry and Kristi Thompson
Outline Where to find info about STC surveys Labour Force Survey Labour Force Historical Review Survey of Household Spending Crime and Justice Data Post-Census Surveys APS, ACS, HALS, PALS, CSD
Finding information about STC Surveys Formerly known as IMDB Now known as Definitions, data sources and methods http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/concepts/index Not the most obvious of titles Quite informative
Source: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/concepts/index
Source: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/concepts/index
Labour Force Survey Background Record #3701 Abstract: “The Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment which are among the most timely and important measures of performance of the Canadian economy.” Developed following Second World War 1945 quarterly Reference: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=3701
LFS (cont’d) Conducted monthly Main objective Starting in 1952 Divide working-age population into 3 groups Provide descriptive and explanatory data Employed Unemployed Not in the labour force “to satisfy a need for reliable and timely data on the labour market. Information was urgently required on the massive labour market changes involved in the transition from a war to a peace-time economy. “ 3 grps – mutually exclusive classifications
LFS (cont’d) Data used to produce Unemployment rate Other standard labour market indicators Employment estimates (cross-classifiable by various demographics) by Industry Occupation Public and private sector Hours worked … - Employment rate, participation rate
LFS (cont’d) Data used By different levels of gov’t For evaluation and planning of employment programs By labour market analysts Economists Consultants Planners Forecasters Academics
LFS (cont’d) Reference period Collection period Survey results Usually the week of the 15th Collection period The week following the reference period Survey results released 10 days after completion of data collection Exclusions – less than 2% Provinces and territories Excluded from the survey's coverage are: persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements in the provinces; full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the institutionalized population, and households in extremely remote areas with very low population density.
LFS (cont’d) Target population Instrument design No questions Civilian, non-institutionalized 15 years of age and over Nationwide Instrument design Current questionnaire designed in 1997 Significant changes from previous one No questions Are you a temporary foreign worker - Changes - to address existing data gaps, improve data quality and make more use of the power of Computer Assisted Interviewing (CAI). Add new questions; restructure questionnaire for better flow of questions
LFS (cont’d) Sampling Sample survey Cross-sectional design Rotating panel sample design ~56,000 hhlds Collects labour force info on all civilian hhld members over 15 yrs old ~100,000 individuals - Rotating - selected dwellings remain in the LFS sample for six consecutive months.
LFS (cont’d) Subjects Employment and unemployment Hours of work and work arrangements Industries Labour Occupations Unionization and industrial relations Wages, salaries and other earnings
LFS (cont’d) Documentation includes: LFS Geographical Maps based on 2011 Census boundaries Concordance Files (See next slide for example) Classifications NAICS 2012 NOC 2011 Following most recent census At that time, all LFS data back to the previous census is re-weighted using the new population estimates (since the new population estimates will cover the inter-censal period between the two most recent censuses), and all corresponding historical LFS estimates are revised. Therefore, at the beginning of 2015, all estimates were adjusted to reflect 2011 Census population counts and LFS estimates have been revised back to January 2001. Also, Census metropolitan areas (CMAs), Economic regions (ERs) and Census agglomerations are based on 2011 Census boundaries rather than 2006 boundaries. North American Industry Classification System National Occupational Classification
Concordance Files http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvDocument&Item_Id=253569&InstaId=320313 Reference: - concordance files - Tables based on 2006 and 2011 Census information
LFS (cont’d) Changes Estimation – January 2000 Major re-design in 1976 and again in 1997 Estimation – January 2000 all estimates adjusted to reflect population counts based on 1996 Census (aka rebasing) Composite estimation – reduce volatility of month-to-month changes Revisions and seasonal adjustments Reference: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb-bmdi/document/3701_D7_T9_V1-eng.pdf - Check this reference for other changes
LFS (cont’d) Types of data Microdata Aggregate data “Regrettably, the microdata files are solely available going back to 1976, inclusively; nothing before that.” STC Nesstar (fully bilingual) ODESI Aggregate data Summary Tables CANSIM B20/20 WDS Special Odesi - Replication of research How can they do it if they cannot access the original data We are lucky in Ontario because ODESI has a dark archive that keeps all the old LFS before rebasing https://dli-idd.statcan.gc.ca/wds/ReportFolders/reportFolders.aspx Nov 2015 – Went to polling station by immigrant, age, sex Nov 2015 – Used Elections Canada’s online ser4vice to check, update or complete voter registration by immigrant, age, sex Nov 2015 – Voting estimate and rate by immigrant, age, sex Nov 2015 - Reason for not voting by immigrant, sex, age
LFS (cont’d) Reference: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/71-001-x/71-001-x2016010-eng.htm Click under Tables
LFS (cont’d) Reference: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/71-001-x/71-001-x2016010-eng.htm
LFS (cont’d) Publications General Information for analysts and researchers Historical Statistics of Canada
Labour Force Historical Review A comprehensive database of LFS estimates, containing thousands of cross-classified data series. Monthly and annual average series available on a wide range of subjects, including: labour force status by demographic, education and family characteristics; trends in the labour markets of metropolitan areas; economic regions; data by industry and occupation, wages and union membership; and much more. This annual product is a comprehensive database of Labour Force Survey estimates, containing thousands of cross-classified data series and spanning more than three decades, generally starting from 1976. Monthly and annual average series are available on a wide range of subjects, including labour force status by demographic, education and family characteristics; trends in the labour markets of metropolitan areas; economic regions; data by industry and occupation, wages and union membership; and much more. Each issue of 71F0004x comprises a revised seasonally adjusted estimates using the latest seasonal factors, covering the latest three years' period. Frequency: Annual Status: Discontinued (DVD, CD-ROM)
LFHR (cont’d) 3 CD-ROMs 1976 to 2010 Discontinued Aggregate data B20/20 format Presentation Sandra Keys April 2006 1976 - York
LFHR (cont’d) Where else? ODESI https://dli-idd.statcan.gc.ca/wds/ReportFolders/reportFolders.aspx?sCS_referer=&sCS_ChosenLang=en
Other Labour Surveys The Labour Family Elizabeth Hamilton, April 2006 Labour Force Survey (LFS) Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH) Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) Census Longitudinal Administrative Databank (LAD) Survey of Household Spending (SHS) Survey of Financial Security (SFS) Employment Insurance Statistics (EIS) Annual Estimates of Employment, Earnings and Hours (AEEEH) Estimates of Labour Income (ELI)
Survey of household Spending
Overview Collects data on household expenditures, housing characteristics and demographics, and combines with income data from tax records Used by Statistics Canada to help calculate the gross domestic product and update the proportions (weights) of the Consumer Price Index Many federal and provincial government departments use the data to develop social and economic policies and programs
The Spending Surveys Survey of Household Spending 1997 - current, annual Survey of Family Expenditure, 1969 – 1996, intermittent Family Food Expenditure Survey, 1984 – 2001, very intermittent Homeowner Repair and Renovation and Energy Retrofit, 1994-1995 Household Energy Use 1993
The 2010 Revisions: Methodology Now incorporates a two-week expenditure diary in addition to questionnaire with recall periods based on the type of expenditure 2009 and earlier only had questionnaire Should be more accurate for capturing frequent expenses Data on income and income taxes now come mainly from the T1 More accurate, but not comparable The category “Income taxes” replaces the category “Personal taxes”, which included certain other forms of tax Spread data collection over the entire year rather than January-March
The 2010 Revisions: Questionnaire Incorporated some questions from the Family Food Expenditure Survey Eliminated some questions about ownership of household items such as appliances and heating equipment, Parking expenses now included in rent Expenditures for "Games of chance" are no longer net of the winnings Child’s board now included in child care rather than food For more detail on revisions see here.
PUMF We Miss You What’s Available. Last PUMF released in 2009, no word on any new ones ODESI has Excel standard tables files 1997 – 2011 CANSIM has standard tables from 2010 to 2014 2010 – 2011 ODESI data is redundant Pre 2010 data is not comparable with later Available through the RDCs up to 2014, though metadata only available for 2009 on Statistics Canada Nesstar Custom SHS tabulations available As with CANSIM geography is province or select CMA only
Tips for Comparing Data Over Time “Use caution interpreting” For household expenses collected using the same interview format both pre- and post-2010, less an issue See details of what is collected using each method here
Some Possible Alternatives Canadian Financial Capability Survey 2012 & 2008 Survey of Financial Security, 2012 World Bank Global Financial Inclusion Survey 2014 & 2011, Canada file? Selected U. S. consumer surveys Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finance (includes oversample of wealthy households) University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers
Crime and Justice Data
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Reference: http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/subject-sujet/theme-theme.action?pid=2693&lang=eng&more=0
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey Since 1962 Annual Info on all criminal incidents substantiated and reported by Canadian police General Social Survey on Victimization Every 5 years Victims’ experiences with crime These incidents may not be known by police These 2 surveys are complementary and are the main sources of data on crime in Canada Note – GSS link only for latest one
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Adult Correctional Services Annual Started 1998-1999 “Data on the delivery of adult correctional services from both the provincial/territorial and federal correctional services” Homicide Survey Since 1961 (some data) and 1974 (on all homicides) “Police-reported data on the characteristics of all murder incidents, victims and accused persons”
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Legal Aid Survey Annual Since 1983-84 “information on revenues, expenditures, personnel, and caseload statistics associated with the delivery and administration of legal aid in Canada.” Police Administration Survey Since 1962 “to collect baseline information on police personnel and expenditures” Note – even tho it may have started in 1962, there may not be data available since then
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Transition Home Survey Every 2 years Since 1992-1993 “to collect data on residential services for abused women and their children” Victim Services Survey Occasional Since 2002-2003 (5 cycles) “to collect information on victim service agencies”
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Youth Court Survey Annual 1998-99 to 2008-09 “to develop and maintain a database of statistical information on appearances, charges, and cases in youth courts.” Youth Custody and Community Services Since 1997-98 “to provide important indicators as to the nature and case characteristics of youth in correctional services”
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Adult and Youth Recidivism in Canada Special Study Adult Correctional Services Alternative Measures Survey for Youth A One Day Snapshot in Canada's Correctional Facilities Civil Court Survey Courts Resources, Expenditures and Personnel Survey Crime Survey Integrated Criminal Court Survey Legal Aid Survey Pilot Survey on Police-Reported Hate Crimes Police Administration Survey RCMP Public Complaints Commission (PCC) Survey Survey of Fraud Against Businesses Transition Home Survey Victim Services Survey Violence Against Women Survey Youth Court Survey Youth Shelter Pilot Survey … From list of surveys that I reference later on
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Data available Microdata (STC Nesstar and ODESI) GSS 28 (2014) GSS 23 (2009) GSS 18 (2004) GSS 13 (1999) GSS 8 (1993) GSS 3 (1988) Victims of Crime Survey, Edmonton (1985) (ODESI only)
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Aggregate data (WDS) A multidimensional table viewer allowing users to work with IVT online
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Aggregate data (ODESI) - Except Victims of Crime Survey, Edmonton (microdata!)
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Aggregate data: CANSIM (150 tables)
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Research Data Centres GSS Victimization (8 files) Including a North Supplement for 2009 and 2014 Homicide Survey (March 2014 to 2017) Integrated Criminal Courts Survey (2005-06 to 2011-12) UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting Survey) (March 2006 to 2016) UCR – Hate Crime Module (Spring 2015 to March 2017) Youth in Transition Survey (1998-1999, Cycle 1 to 2008-2009, Cycle 6) Longitudinal
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Example of Changes Integrated Criminal Court Survey Formerly Adult Criminal Court Survey and Youth Court Survey Transition Home Survey Started as a supplement to the Residential Care Facilities Survey To provide more detailed information about services for victims of family violence - Check out STC webpage for more info and details
Crime and Justice (cont’d) Other resources List of Surveys (27) Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Profile Series (85F0033M) STC Publications (65) Information for Analysts and Researchers (51) DLI Training Repository Access to Justice Data, Kathy AuCoin, 2013 Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2005 …
The post-census surveys: APS & ACS, HALS / PALS / CSD
Please Note: I am not dealing with issues stemming from the change from the Long Form Census to NHS in 2011.
Aboriginal People’s Survey Aboriginal Children's Survey, covering children under 6, done once, in 2006 APS covers children over 6 as well as adults, done 1991, 2001, 2006, 2012 Target population changes in 2012… Note that like 2006, 2012 does not cover on-reserve population
APS and NHS APS supplements the data collected in the NHS / long form census with additional questions on education, employment, health and other topics NHS is the survey underlying most of the tables in the Aboriginal module of the Statistics Canada web site While NHS / long form data has comprehensive outcomes data on education and employment, APS adds detail on pathways to and through education, informal education, and work, as well as recollections of school experiences Much of this data has not (yet) been mined in the published tables
Comparing Between Cycles "In 2012, the Aboriginal ancestry-only population was no longer part of the survey's target population… different post-stratification strategies were used in 2006 and 2012, making it inadvisable to compare the Aboriginal identity population estimates between the two survey cycles." Ancestry-only population from NHS was sampled in case they later chose to report aboriginal identity in the APS, but those who did not do so do not appear in the final sample "Comparing population estimates between the two surveys is not recommended. However, proportions between the two survey cycles can be compared…" Adding to the issue the wording of the aboriginal identity question is different
Questionnaire Changes 2012 has more detailed questions on education and employment than in previous surveys, particularly including a focus on details of education below high school, reasons for not completing further education, presence of Aboriginal teachers Health supplement: new (one-time?) questions on health include a detailed module on mental health, suicide (2006 asked if this was a problem in the community but not about personal experience) Residential school experience questions
Data Access PUMF, RDC file, RTRA all available A large collection of one-year CANSIM tables (2012 is the first APS in CANSIM) DLI has a collection of Excel tables on education and employment produced to support an analytic report, available on ODESI 2006 data released in a variety of reports and tables For 2006 and 2001 (ODESI), APS data was released in a collection of community profiles, available on the Statistics Canada web site and ODESI
Alternatives / Supplements First Nations Regional Surveys: Health, Early Childhood, Education and Employment Community Survey is forthcoming Microdata not readily available Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study: Environics, archived at University of Winnipeg Microdata potentially available on request Aboriginal variables in PUMFS such as GSS can also be useful
HALS / PALS / CSD “The concepts and methods used to measure disability in the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) represent a significant departure from those used in the 2006 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS). The most important change is that the two surveys used a different definition of disability… it is neither possible nor recommended to compare the prevalence of disability over time between these two sources.”
Continuity Alternatives CCHS has reasonably useful modules on activity limitations and specific physical and mental disabilities, and comparable data going back to 2001. See Health Indicators as well as CANSIM GSS has occasional health modules with disability questions going back further – check specific questions for comparability
At least for now. “Note that an additional shorter version of the DSQ has also been developed (…) for identifying persons with a disability on general population surveys at Statistics Canada. This will allow for the reliable identification of persons with disabilities on national surveys of the general population on a more frequent basis…”
Data Access CSD is available in the RDCs as well as through RTRA; PUMF will not be produced CANSIM tables cover disability prevalence and type, severity, workplace outcomes, and other sources of income Tables supplement various analytic reports Note that official acronym CSD is not a useful search term for finding discussion of this survey in the DLI list and elsewhere
In Summary … You have learned Where to find info about STC surveys Labour Force Survey Labour Force Historical Review Survey of Household Spending Crime and Justice Data Post-Census Surveys APS, ACS, HALS, PALS, CSD
Contact Information Jane Fry Data Services Librarian, MADGIC MacOdrum Library Carleton University 613.520.2600 x1121 jane.fry@carleton.ca Kristi Thompson Data Librarian; Systems; Liaison, Mathematics and Statistics Leddy Library University of Windsor 519.253.3000 X3858 kathomps@uwindsor.ca