Computer Engineer-ing
Contents Computer Engineering Why? What? Where? How? When? Who?
Why Computer Engineering?
Computer Science and Engineering + Computer Engineering = Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science Computer Information and Science Computer Engineering
Where & When Computer Engineering?
You sense computer engineering in… →
You sense computer engineering when… →
Computer in…
Even birds
IMO, the best effect of Computer Engineering
What Computer Engineering?
Work fields Control Robotics Network Programming Signals Processing
How Computer Engineering?
Expectations vs. Reality
What’s your superpower? Flying Time Travel Reading Minds Invisibility Mind-control Anti-Gravity Teleport Element control Talking to computers
It’s not all about studying
It’s “the ability to learn”
I is a student I be a student I am a student
Build connections away from Gender, Color, Religion, Ethnicity, …
Impact of freedom… if we are not free, it makes no sense to put effort into actions and to be motivated
Ideas grow by sharing
Together Everyone Achieve More TEAM Together Everyone Achieve More
Work like a Japanese
Be humble
Be optimistic
Think Pink Simple is Perfect Chunking problems More caffeine
Who Computer Engineering?
Steve Jobs
Ahmed Hamzawi Head of Engineers Google MENA
Ali Faramawy Microsoft VP
Thank You Nourah al azzaz