Hello Year 6 In Year 7 you will be working on a topic called ‘Superheroes’. This piece of work will be sent to Holmfirth High School for you to use in September . In your folder you will have : Your logo Your written work from this project Your best piece of written work in Year 6
Superhero logos – Guess the Superhero 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1) Robin 2) Wonder Woman 3) Superman 4) Daredevil 5) Incredibles 6) Spiderman 7) Green Lantern 8) Captain America 9) Batman 8 9 What special powers do these heroes have ?
If you had a superpower what would it be ? Give your reasons Discuss with your partner
Create your own logo 1. Use your favourite colours 2. Think of a name for your superhero and use these initials in your design 3. Think about your superpower, can you show it in your design ?
Do you need to have superpowers to be a hero? What qualities does a hero have? Put your answers on a post it note You could suggest: the qualities of their parents, kindness, supporting others, courage and self belief
Usain Bolt – The Boy Who Could Fly Qualities- to overcome his fear of failure , to be the best he can be etc. Apart from running, what other qualities does Usain Bolt display in this film? http://www.literacyshed.com/usain.html
Your turn! Create a piece of writing which describes a time when you have had to overcome a difficulty and explain how you used your heroic powers to succeed. For example: moving schools, falling out with a friend, fighting with a sibling or struggling with something at school. You could present this as: A diary extract A play script A story
Success Criteria SPaG should be varied and accurate. Vocabulary should be adventurous. Sentence structures (including openers) should be varied.