Meteorological Services Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) Regional Subproject for RAIV (Eastern Caribbean) NHC, Miami May 22 – 26, 2017 Keithley Meade Director, Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services Phone: 1-268- 462-4606 Cell: 1-268-764-2139 Email:
Vision Statement Mission Statement A leading weather service provider, partnering with our customers to provide a quality service . Mission Statement To continuously provide superior meteorological services and products, add value, and promote safety and quality throughout the aviation industry.
Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services Started in the mid 1940's as a weather observation station by the British. Antigua and Barbuda government in 1967 developed into a forecasting office. Today it is a fully functional National Meteorological Center providing services and performing several functions on a daily basis.
Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services Data collection and services Hourly weather observations Public weather forecasts (Antigua & Barbuda, the Leeward Islands and the British Virgin Islands) Weather briefings, flight information and other aeronautical services Severe weather warnings and other advisories
Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services Provides daily and aviation forecasts for:- Antigua and Barbuda (Saint Kitts), Nevis Anguilla Montserrat British Virgin Islands
We provide services such as: Weather Forecasts Relaying Tsunami Warnings (TWFP) Severe Weather Watches and Warnings Aeronautical Meteorology Agricultural Meteorology (limited) Marine Meteorology (limited) Climatology
Weather Forecasts Responsible to provide customized weather forecasts, with particular emphasis on public safety and welfare: Twenty-four forecast (twice daily) Four-day forecast (once daily) Summary and Discussion (twice daily) Eastern Caribbean Forecast (once daily) Severe Weather Advisories (when necessary) Coastal Advisories (when necessary) Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts( four times daily)
Tsunami Warnings We receive Tsunami warning information from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: Alert the National Office of Disaster Services( NODS) and if necessary, the defense force, local police, the public etc…
Severe Weather Watches and Warnings We issue severe weather watches and warnings for the Public, in coordination with NHC, to take appropriate actions: Cyclone watches and Warnings Flood Watches and Warnings Other related severe events such as adverse sea conditions
Guidance Products Meteo France Sherpa(radar images and products) Other radar products NWP products CIMH products SmartMet PCDGridds MESSIR Internet Products WindyTv Satellite images NHC/NOAA products Puerto Rico products
Questionnaire on Planning Information for SWFDP – Eastern Caribbean National Meteorological Centre (NMC) of _ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
The questionnaire consists of the following three parts: A - Forecasting component. B - Public Weather Services (service delivery) component. C - Expectations from SWFDP-Eastern Caribbean
A - Forecasting component The Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Service operates 24 hours each day of the year. Current status of your NMC’s observing system (e.g. Synoptic, upper air, AWS, Radars etc.) Synoptic surface 6 functioning AWS Radar feed from Guadeloupe
A - Forecasting component
A - Forecasting component The current status of internet connection at ABMS We currently have 10 mb/s. We could do with higher speeds Do the forecasters consider the internet speed satisfactory in accessing to various products from global NWP centres? NO
A - Forecasting component Any weather work station/ software package as a tool for visualization and overlay of observations, satellite imagery and NWP products? We use SmartMet (Donated by the Finnish Government), as well as the Corobor system, PCGRIDDS and other Internet streams. Does your NMC perform verification of forecast/warnings? To a small degree
A - Forecasting component Please provide current status of human resources at your NMC (e.g. number of observers, forecasters, NWP experts and IT staff etc.) Director Deputy Director Climate Officer 14 / 7 Forecasters/Meteorologists 24 / 13 Observers 3 Technical Officers
B - Public Weather Services (service delivery) component B.1 – Warning criteria currently used at NMC
B - Public Weather Services (service delivery) component B.2 – Internet access capability at NMC Do the forecasters rely on the Internet as essential for severe weather forecasting at your NMC? Yes
B - Public Weather Services (service delivery) component B.3 – Engagement of NMC with users
B - Public Weather Services (service delivery) component B.4 -Evaluation and monitoring of performance
B - Public Weather Services (service delivery) component B.5 – Channels of communication of forecasts and warnings at NMC
C- Expectations from SWFDP-Eastern Caribbean
C- Expectations from SWFDP-Eastern Caribbean