APEC Sustainable Energy Center (APSEC) Progress Report on APEC Sustainable Energy Center (APSEC) Zhu Li President
Contents Part 1. APEC Projects Part 2. Institution Development Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Part 4. Cooperation Efforts Part 5. Work Plan before EWG52
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region Main technologies to be covered Full list of CCTs, and Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination, but with priorities as below: Efficient Utilization of Syngas; Highly efficient Coal-Based Power Generation and Poly-generation technologies; Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC); Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage-CCUS.
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region Main tasks and activities Build up the Knowledge Network on CCTs, including Database /Technology list/Alliance/Expert Pool. Set up the Roadmap to Promote CCTs transfer and dissemination according to the priority analysis report. Implement the specific CCTs transfer and promotion in interested and selected APEC economies depending on the technology maturity and market demand. Organize tours, workshops, seminars and conferences to facilitate information sharing. Carry out Local technical trainings to smooth the technology transfer and application.
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region Project Progress Website on CCTs has been established, www.apec-cct.com Database on CCTs in APEC region has been built up partly Two seminars have been organized.
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region CCTS EVENTS REPORTS DATABASE ABOUT US CONTACT ABOUT CCTS SYNGAS IGCC USC CCUS Syngas is a flexible feedstock. The chart below sets out the variety of ways that syngas can be used.
CO2 EMISSIONS COAL CONSUMPTION 1 EMISSION STANDARD DATABASE 2 3 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region A database about CCTS in APEC region has been built up partly CO2 EMISSIONS COAL CONSUMPTION EMISSION STANDARD 1 DATABASE 2 3
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region CO2 EMISSIONS Carbon Dioxide Emissions of APEC economies
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region COAL CONSUMPTION Coal Consumption of APEC economies
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region EMISSION STANDARD Emission Standard of APEC economies
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region Workshop on clean coal technologies in APEC region Tianjin, Sept. 11 , 2015 The discussion about transfer and dissemination of clean coal technologies in APEC region was carried out. Seminar on progress of clean coal technologies in low carbon age in China Beijing, Oct. 17 , 2015 About thirty experts in the field of energy, chemistry, chemical engineering and technology, environment from university, scientific research institute of China attended this seminar. The discussion was given about how to transfer and dissemination of clean coal technologies of China to APEC.
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region Syngas to ethylene glycol project, China CO2 Sequestration project, Australia
1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.1 APEC-Fund Project, Session 1 2015 Roadmap to Promote Transfer and Dissemination of Clean Coal Technologies in APEC Region Discuss about CCTs with Dr. Scott Smouse
Part 1. APEC Projects 1.2 Developing Solar-Powered Emergency Shelter Solutions (SPESS) as an Energy-Resilience Tool for Natural Disaster Relief in APEC Community (EWG22–2015A)
1.2 APEC-Fund Project, EWG22–2015A Part 1. APEC Projects 1.2 APEC-Fund Project, EWG22–2015A Developing Solar-Powered Emergency Shelter Solutions (SPESS) as an Energy-Resilience Tool for Natural Disaster Relief in APEC Community Introduction to SPESS Project Catastrophes in our region — such as 2005 Hurricane Katrina, 2008 Earthquake in China's Sichuan province, 2010–11 Queensland Australia floods & 2011 Thailand floods, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the ensuing tsunami, 2012 Superstorm Sandy in US, 2013 Super Typhoon “Haiyan” hitting eastern Philippines, — are important reminders of the severe situation APEC community faces. Accounting for 70 percent of all natural disasters, the Asia Pacific is highly prone to climate change impact. One of APEC 2015’s priority areas was “Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities”, and this project aims to foster cooperative efforts to strengthen APEC community’s energy-resilience and sustainability affected by natural disasters.
1.2 APEC-Fund Project, EWG22–2015A Part 1. APEC Projects 1.2 APEC-Fund Project, EWG22–2015A Developing Solar-Powered Emergency Shelter Solutions (SPESS) as an Energy-Resilience Tool for Natural Disaster Relief in APEC Community Objectives 1)To promote low-carbon energy technology innovation in APEC, through advancing the integration of solar energy and emergency shelter technologies in the development of SPESS; 2)To improve capacity of APEC stakeholders (especially those from developing members) in adopting science-based approaches for emergency preparedness and post-disaster response, through harnessing an innovative, low-carbon, energy-resilient technology of SPESS; 3)To develop Recommendations on deploying SPESS that responds to the varying climatic, economic and cultural conditions of APEC member economies, helping bring low-carbon energy measures into the mainstream of APEC’s science-based Disaster Management framework.
1.2 APEC-Fund Project, EWG22–2015A Part 1. APEC Projects 1.2 APEC-Fund Project, EWG22–2015A Developing Solar-Powered Emergency Shelter Solutions (SPESS) as an Energy-Resilience Tool for Natural Disaster Relief in APEC Community Milestone SPESS Project Start-up phase Workshop A Development phase Workshop B Finalization phase Apr.-Jul. 2016 Jul. 2016 Jul.-Sep./Oct. 2016 Sep./Oct. 2016 Sep./Oct.-Dec. 2016 Project Progress Literature Survey on the current practice of emergency sheltering and its energy supply in APEC as well as available technologies/solutions in this field has been launched and the draft has been completed. Workshop A is in course of preparation.
Literature Survey Neil Greet Collaborative Outcomes Objectives 1. To provide the status quo assessment on the current practice of emergency sheltering and its energy supply in APEC economics. 2. To provide candidate technology catalogue of the available/potential technologies/ solutions relevant to the field of SPESS. 3. To provide the list of recommended stakeholders to be involved in SPESS project. Neil Greet Collaborative Outcomes Innovation Building Resilience www.collaborativeoutcomes.com.au ++61 (0)450451118 neil.greet@collaborativeoutcomes.com.au US$7,500 for literature survey Scope of the Task Status Quo Assessment on the current practice of post-disaster emergency sheltering and its energy supply in 10 APEC economies Candidate Technology Catalogue of available/ potential technologies/ solutions relevant to the field of SPESS List of Recommended Stakeholders to be involved in SPESS project
1.3 Self-Funded Project, Session 1 2015 Part 1. APEC Projects 1.3 Self-Funded Project, Session 1 2015 2015 Session 1, Self-funded EWG 07 2015S - Workshop on the Establishment of a Cooperative Network of Sustainable Cities (CNSC) in APEC Economies
Part 2. Institution Development More space for new staff and APEC visiting reseachers TU budget allocated for daily operation and management NEA budget for APEC Visiting Researchers
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program APSEC was encouraged as a platform to make contributions for the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Urbanisation Partnership Initiative, but under the guidance of EWG, and with the help of LCMT-TF The APEC Cooperative Initiative for Jointly Establishing an Asia-Pacific Urbanisation Partnership was firstly endorsed by APEC leaders in 2014, and then was reiterated last year as 5b. We commend the efforts of member economies in implementing the APEC Cooperation Initiative for Jointly Establishing an Asia-Pacific Urbanization Partnership. --23rd APEC Leaders’ Declaration, Manila A new APEC sub-fund IERG was established to support relevant efforts
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program 2015 Session 1, Self-funded EWG 07 2015S - Workshop on the Establishment of a Cooperative Network of Sustainable Cities (CNSC) in APEC Economies 2016 Session 1, APEC-Fund project application, unsuccessful Strategic Plan to Implement APEC Cooperation Initiative for Jointly Establishing the Asia-Pacific Urbanization Partnership 2016 Session 2, APEC-Fund Project Application, unsuccessful Roadmap to Enhance Urban Development in APEC Region towards A Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Future
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Objectives To promote knowledge and information sharing, popularising and transferring on technologies, products, concept and experience by summarizing ‘lessons learned’ and to propose solutions on urban planning, green buildings, transportation, industries and human lives within cities for the establishment of APEC Urbanization Partnership; To create favourable partnerships among APEC cities and enhance practical projects cooperation such as technical exchange and communication, experience sharing and urban pattern replication among APEC cities, especially on those relating to sustainable, low carbon and energy efficient urban development. To build capacity for relevant stakeholders on urban sustainable development by providing series and systematic training courses to improve their professional knowledge, decision-making, marketing, finance essay and technical quality.
Workshop on Sustainable Cities Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Workshop on Sustainable Cities
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Workshop Pictures
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Dinner Pictures
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Main outcomes 1—Establishment of the APEC Cooperative Network for Low-carbon & Energy-efficient Cities First Batch 7 Cities: ACT, Australia Adelaide, Australia Bitung, Indonesia Tianjin, China Turpan, China Zhenjiang, China Kunming, China
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Main outcomes 2—Establishment of the APEC Sustainable City Service Network First Batch 10 Organisations: ANU--Academica, Australia Maoneng Pty Ltd—Industry, Australia Collaborative Outcomes- Industry, Australia Vector Limited—Industry, New Zealand Tianjin University—Academic, China CLP Power Hong Kong Limited—Industry, HK China The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited—Industry, HK China Hong Kong and China Gas Investment Limited—Industry, HK China Australia-Indonesia Center—Research, Australia APSEC
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Main outcomes 3—Bitung City, Indonesia Became a Strategic Partner City of APSEC
Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Main outcomes 4—Turpan City, China Became a Strategic Partner City of APSEC
Technical Tours in Australia Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Technical Tours in Australia
Technical Tours in New Zealand Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Technical Tours in New Zealand
Coordinating with relevant organization and fora Part 3. CNSC Pillar Program Coordinating with relevant organization and fora The Climate Group 100 Resilient Cities FoTC on Urbanisation, SOM representative, NDRC people responsible for high-level forum on urbanisation Relevant fora within EWG More work to be done
Part 4. Cooperation Efforts Attend EG’s meetings
Part 4. Cooperation Efforts Attend APEC Project meeting/activities
Part 4. Cooperation Efforts Attend Asia-Pacific Energy Leaders’ Summit
Part 4. Cooperation Efforts Attend G20 Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting
Part 4. Cooperation Efforts Efforts to establish cooperative network International Organisations: WEC, IEA, Energy Charter, ADB etc. Resources integration locally
Part 5. Work Plan before EWG52 Continue APEC Projects Implementation Improvements on the institution building Upgrading office space New Members Recruiting Two coming events SPESS Workshop A in July Series Activities on Pillar Programs for the 2nd Anniversay of APSEC in September
Thanks for your attention! “Joining Hands Toward Sustainable Energy Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.”