September 2017 Meet and Greet Class 2L


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Presentation transcript:

September 2017 Meet and Greet Class 2L Mrs Lloyd

Welcome! A busy but exciting year! Children will be on a massive journey (as every year!). Please ensure that all uniform, kit and belongings are named clearly.

PE and Games This term we are covering team games and REAL PE during our games sessions. Please could you ensure your child has plimsolls for indoor PE and warm clothing for outdoor games. Games will be provided by Major Oak Sports. P.E. will be on Tuesday and Thursday, but please ensure kit is in school at all times in case of extra sessions.

Our Timetable English Maths PE and Games Computing History / Geography Art Science RE PSHE

Homework English Spelling homework will be sent home weekly. It will be linked to what they’re learning in phonics. Please continue to hear your child read regularly. Write a message so we know your child has read and we can change their book. Maths Links to websites and activity sheets will be placed on the website to support class learning. Please practise developing a quick mental recall of number facts (addition/subtraction, doubles/halves, bonds to 20).

Web Site How We Use It In Year 2 Information that we feel you need Reminders of dates and events Homework links and sheets Requests for objects and help Class Celebrations and photos Anything else we feel might interest you!

Helping In School Yes Please! Hearing the children read Small group work Cutting and sticking Laminating Or have you got a hidden talent?

Mid Morning Break In Year 2 the children do not receive milk unless it has been ordered. Please could you ensure that the children all have their named water bottle in school. They will be sent home at intervals for washing! Fruit continues to be available to all the children to be eaten during the morning. Please make sure that you have awareness of the Healthy Snacks information sent to parents.

Beginning and End of the Day The children line up in their class lines by the blue doors, the teachers are available for quick information. Please could you make sure that the area is clear for the children by standing on the gate side… After school could you please could you ensure that the children do not play on the equipment or within the FS2 patio area. Thank you

KS1 SATs In May, there are government mandated SATs in: - Reading - Maths - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Teacher Assessment is more important than the tests. Therefore, progress is closely monitored throughout the year. Writing is assessed by teacher judgement. If your child needs to re-take the Phonics Screening check, this will take place in June.

An exciting trip….. At the end of Year 2 we like to take the children on a one night residential trip. Prepares children for longer residential trips in KS2 and is an exciting night with our class friends! We are evaluating providers for this and hope to provide more information soon…watch this space!

Questions Any Questions from you.....