A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games Wakana Ishimaru Leo Liang.


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Presentation transcript:

A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games Wakana Ishimaru Leo Liang

Introduction Reason for the literature review Method Results Data collection Data analysis Results Outcomes and conclusion Summary OneDrive/Skydrive

Question 1 Please remember some games which you played in your school days. Did those games have positive effects or negative effects for you?

Reason for the literature review          Computer games have the potential positive impacts for learning ↑ however… dearth of high quality of empirical evidence (de Freitas, 2006; Wouters et al, 2009) the literature on games is fragmented and lack of coherence (Ke, 2009) Figure out what the empirical evidence is Code each study with respect to one main outcome and impact Since computer games have changed our life, many papers focused on negative impacts of playing digital games in early stage. But there are also many researches which focus on the positive impacts. They say computer games have the potential positive impacts for learning. However, they are lack of high quality of empirical evidences and they tends to be fragmented and lack of coherence This lack of organisation is regarded as an obstacle to progress in understanding the effects of games. To over come this problem, this review will analyse many studies and Figure out what empirical evidence is there Code each study with respect to one main outcome and impact

Method -Data collection- Electronic databases Identified as … Relevant to education Information technology Social science computer games video games serious games simulation games games-based learning MMOG MMORPG MUD online games evaluation impacts outcomes effects learning education skills behaviour attitude engagement motivation affect Firstly, they gathered data from electric databases. They searched reports which is identified as Relevant to education, Information technology and Social science. And to search items, they used those key words (in this chart). AND OR OR

Method -Data collection- Further Criteria paper had to Include empirical evidence related to the impacts and outcomes of playing games Include an abstract Include participants over the age of 14 years Data from January 2004 to February 2009 129 papers met the inclusion criteria After that, they got further criteria. The papers had to Include empirical evidence related to the impacts and outcomes of playing games Include an abstract Include participants over the age of 14 years Data from January 2004 to February 2009 As a result, 129 papers met the inclusion criteria

Method -Data analysis- Categories games Digital or non-digital Primary purpose entertainment learning serious game Game genre based on Herz’s (1997) system: action, adventure, fighting, puzzle, role-play, sports, strategy games, simulations Subject discipline health, society, maths, language, engineering, general knowledge, geography and science Platform/delivery video console, PC, online game, second life, mobile or alternate reality game (ARG) Effect of games Behavioural and learning outcomes and impacts knowledge acquisition/content understanding perceptual and cognitive skills motor skills psychological outcomes affective and motivational outcomes behaviour change soft skills social outcomes Intended or unintended Generic or specific impact Coding of methods Study design Sampling Sample Between-group comparisons Data collection Data analysis Result and conclusions Those 129 papers were analysed in those dimensions. As for games, they checked whether they are digital or not, and categorized their primary purpose, Game genre, Subject discipline and platform. In terms of effects of games, they categorised behavioural and learning outcomes and impacts, and checked whether the effects were intended or unintended, and whether they had generic impact or specific impact. The included papers were coded in terms of those methodological dimensions.

Method -Data analysis- Quality of the Studies How appropriate is the research design for addressing the question? How appropriate are the methods & analysis? How generalisable are the findings of this study to the target population with respect to the size and representativeness of sample? How relevant is the particular focus of the study for addressing the question? To what extent can the study findings be trusted in answering the study questions? give 1-3 points to each dimensions each paper has their own score (5 (Min.) to 15(Max.) points) In addition, they analysed the quality of those papers. They considered the appropriation of those data and scored each. Each question had 3 points and every paper had total scores which is from 5 to 15 points. Through this process, they unified the way of categorise games and effects, and analysed empirical evidences.

Results – Game Variables Each paper was given a score, and organised with respect to the learning or behavioural outcomes and impacts. Study looked at various things present in the papers such as: Intention of the game – Entertainment games, games for learning, serious games. Genre of games & impact on learning – Action, Puzzle, Strategy, Simulation, etc. Behaviour. Papers showed mixed results, both positive & negative.

Results – Game Variables Various outcomes. Lavender (2008) developed a game to determine whether people could be persuaded to be more sympathetic towards the homeless, by playing the role of a homeless woman. Some showed increase in sympathy and others no significant effect. Steinkuehler and Duncan (2008) showed that the online game World of Warcraft demonstrated an impressive variety of higher order scientific reasoning skills and building on others’ ideas.

Outcomes and Conclusion More papers looked at positive outcomes of entertainment games and games for learning (Depends on papers used). Papers showed knowledge acquisition and content understanding were the most frequently occurring. This reflects the parallel interests in engaging features of games & their use for learning.

Outcomes and Conclusion Further evidence that entertainment games informally lead to improvements in attention and visual perceptual skills. These visual perceptual skills are generic and underpins success in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Outcomes and Conclusion There were several reported unintended outcomes. Example: Steinkuehler and Duncan (2008) looked at an entertainment game but demonstrated higher order scientific reasoning and system-based reasoning.

Summary Despite publicity given to negative impacts of games, they have both positive and negative impacts. Empirical evidence concerning effectiveness of game- based learning was found, but this was only based on data from chosen papers. Beyond simulations and puzzles, other types of games are able to match desired learning outcomes. Leads to ↑ in performance of working memory, auditory perception and selective attention tasks.

Summary Support real world decision-making and higher order scientific reasoning skills. Knowledge acquisition and content understanding frequently occurs; makes games engaging and useful for learning. A game-based approach to learning is used across many different curricula areas, most notably in health, business and social issues. Found to be motivating and engaging. Along with other educational involvements, there has been planning of games to be integrated into students’ learning experience.

Question 2 Have you experienced game-based approaches in your school days? If so, what kind of class was it?

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