14th CJK NGN-WG (Status of New SG 13) Chae Sub Lee


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Presentation transcript:

Chae Sub Lee Chae-sub.lee@ties.itu.int; 14th CJK NGN-WG (Status of New SG 13) Chae Sub Lee Chae-sub.lee@ties.itu.int; Telecommunications Technology Association

Contents Discussion results at WTSA-2008 Mission and Mandates of New SG 13 Questions New Managements Future Direction of New SG 13

1. Discussion results of WTSA-2008 Discussions during the WTSA-2008 SG 3 SG 2 4X SG 5 6D SG 6 Q.E/2 (and QSDG) SG 4 6A, B, C IDNs 4Y SG 19 SG 12 19A SG 15 SG 13 13H SG 11 Co-locate SG 9 SG 16 SG 17 17D (Multicast) Co-locate

1. Discussion results of WTSA-2008 study Groups for the next study period SG 2 Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunications management SG 3 Tariff & accounting principles including related telecommunication economic & policy issues SG 5 Protection against electromagnetic environment effects SG 9 Television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks SG 11 Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications SG 12 Performance, QoS and QoE SG 13 Future networks including mobile and NGN SG 15 Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures SG 16 Multimedia coding, systems and applications SG 17 Security

Future Direction of ITU-T SG13 2. Mission and Mandates of New SG 13 Future Direction of ITU-T SG13 SG13 covers ‘Future networks including mobile and NGN’ WTSA 2008 SG13 was NGN group WTSA 2004 Lead study group for NGN and Satellite Lead study group for Future Networks and NGN Lead study group on Mobility Management and Fixed-Mobile Convergence

Responsibility of ITU-T SG13 2. Mission and Mandates of New SG 13 Responsibility of ITU-T SG13 Responsible for studies relating to the requirements, architecture, evolution and convergence of future networks. Also includes NGN project management coordination across study groups and release planning, implementation scenarios and deployment models, network and service capabilities, interoperability, impact of IPv6, NGN mobility and network convergence, public data network aspects and network aspects of IdM. Responsible for studies relating to network aspects of mobile telecommunication networks, including International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), wireless Internet, convergence of mobile and fixed networks, mobility management, mobile multimedia network functions, internetworking, interoperability and enhancements to existing ITU‑T Recommendations on IMT.

Mandated Scopes of ITU-T SG13 2. Mission and Mandates of New SG 13 Mandated Scopes of ITU-T SG13 Communication networks aspects: study for requirements, functional architectures and their capabilities of future networks including NGN according to a layered approach such as transport (access and core), transport control, service control and service/application support functions including support of mobility. Mobile aspects: studies relating to network aspects of mobile telecommunication networks, including International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), wireless Internet, convergence of mobile and fixed networks, mobility management, mobile multimedia functions, internetworking, interoperability and enhancements to existing ITU-T Recommendations on IMT. This study will incorporate harmonization with relevant standards which will be developed in mobile related standard development organizations. Content distribution networks aspects: study for the requirements, functions and mechanisms to support distribution of contents which are requested by end users. This will include capabilities to support content finding/metadata, content distribution, rights management and media coding. This study will incorporate broadcasting and other standards integration within the context of future networks including NGN and mobile communication networks.

Mandated Scopes of ITU-T SG13 2. Mission and Mandates of New SG 13 Mandated Scopes of ITU-T SG13 Ad hoc networks aspects: study of requirements, functions and mechanisms needed to support configuration of ad-hoc networks used for identifying service discovery and activation, and context description/distribution including peer-to- peer networking. This study should be based on preliminary work in Study Group 13 and 19 performed during the previous study period. Common function aspects: study of functions and relevant capabilities including NGN-specific identity management functional architecture that supports value added identity services, the secure exchange of identity information and the application of bridging/interoperability between a diverse set of identity information formats. Also to be studied are any identity management threats within the NGN and the mechanisms to counter them. In addition Study Group will study the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in the NGN to ensure that only authorized PII is disseminated within the NGN as well as future networks.

Mandated Scopes of ITU-T SG13 2. Mission and Mandates of New SG 13 Mandated Scopes of ITU-T SG13 This study also will cover regulatory implications including telecommunications for disaster relief and emergency communications. In order to assist countries with economies in transition, developing countries, and especially least developed countries, in the application of IMT and related wireless technologies, consultations should be held with representatives of ITU‑D with a view to identifying how this might best be done through an appropriate activity conducted in conjunction with ITU‑D. Study Group 13 shall maintain strong cooperative relations with external SDOs and 3GPPs and develop a complementary programme. It shall proactively promote communications with external organizations to allow for normative referencing in ITU‑T Recommendations of mobile network specifications developed by those organizations. Study Group 13 will hold collocated meetings with Study Group 11.

3. Questions Question # Question title Status 1/13 Coordination and planning Continuation of Q.1/13 2/13 Network terminology Continuation of Q.11/13 3/13 Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services and capabilities in an evolving NGN Continuation of Q.2/13 4/13 Requirements and frameworks for QoS enablement in the NGN Continuation of Q.4/13 5/13 Principles and functional architecture for NGN (including ubiquitous networking) Continuation of Q.3/13 6/13 Mobile telecom network architecture for NGN Continuation of Q.1/19 7/13 Impact of IPv6 to an NGN Continuation of Q.9/13 8/13 Mobility management Continuation of Q.6/13 and Q.2/19 9/13 MM mechanisms supporting multi-connections for multiple access technologies  New (from SG19, G/19) 10/13 Identification of evolving IMT-2000 systems and beyond Continuation of Q.3/19 11/13 Convergence of existing and evolving IMT and fixed networks Continuation of Q.6/13 and Q.5/19 12/13 Evolution towards integrated multi-service networks and interworking Continuation of Qs.7 and 12/13 13/13 Step-by-step migration to NGN networks Continuation of Q.4/19 14/13 Service scenarios and deployment models of NGN Continuation of Q.8/13 15/13 Applying IMS and IMT in Developing Country mobile telecom networks New (from SG19, Q.A/19) 16/13 Security and identity management Continuation of Q.15/13 17/13 Packet forwarding and deep packet inspection for multiple services in packet-based networks and NGN environment Continuation of Q.14/13 18/13 Requirements and framework for enabling COTS components in an open environment Continuation of Q.16/13 19/13 Distributed services networking (DSN) New (from SG13, Q.O/13) 20/13 Public data networks Continuation of Q.13/13 21/13 Future networks New (from SG13+SG17; Q.P/13)

4. New Managements 4 3 1 Chairman Mr. Chaesub LEE (Korea) Vice-Chairmen Europe Asia America Arab Africa Mr. Marco Carugi (UK) Mr. Olivier Le Grand (France) Mr. Leo LEHMANN (Swiss) Mr. Konstantin TROFIMOV (Russian Federation) Ms. Duo LIU (China) MR. NAOTAKA MORITA (Japan) Mr. Davoud D. GORDEH (Iran) Ms. Hui Lan Lu (USA) Mr. Mohammed AL RAMSI (Arab Emirates) Mr. Haitham CHEDYAK (Syria) MR. Maurice GHAZAL (Lebanon) Mr. Simon BUGABA (Uganda) 4 3 1

5. Future Direction of New SG 13 Net-works (?)

Thank you for your attention !!!