Welcome to Art Club
CLUB UPDATES Creative webs – no longer Keystone sponsored Email artclub@keystonehighschool.com and artclub@keystonemiddleschool.com Recommend a member – participation is key
Diego Rivera
Pablo Picasso the man who helped shape cubism Portrait of Picasso, by Juan Gris Pablo Picasso the man who helped shape cubism
Pablo Picasso Guernica – a portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War One of Picasso’s most famous paintings 25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973 Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, and ceramicist Full name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso Learned from his father Had a passion for art at an early age, his first word was the shortening of the Spanish word for pencil
Picasso’s Blue Period Resulted from the lost of his best friend 1901-04 Used blues and greens, with an occasional touch of warm colors Painted beggars, and others with sad lives The Tragedy
Picasso’s Rose Period Started when he fell in love 1904-06 He used cheerful colors, like pink and orange Mostly painted circus folk and clowns Family of Saltimbanques
His Art, His Feelings Chicago Picasso The Old Guitarist Three Musicians Garçon à la pipe His Art, His Feelings
Objects are broken up, and then put back together in a different form, in a way to view one object from several different points of view, rather than one Surfaces, sometimes, can intersect at seemingly random angles, removing - the usual - sense of depth Can be created with pencil, paints, clay, and other types of media. Colors used, aren’t “normal” Cubism! Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler
You just created something that best represents your location, Your Next Assignment: Take something from your everyday life and paint, draw, mold – use whatever medium you want – just turn it into a form of cubism
You just created something that best represents your location, Your Next Assignment: Take something from your everyday life and paint, draw, mold – use whatever medium you want – just turn it into a form of cubism
Volunteer needed for JUNE meeting Abstract Art Art Deco Art Nouveau Baroque Body Art Conceptual Art Contemporary Art Cubism Dada Expressionism Fantasy Art Fauvism Futurism Impressionism Mannerism Medieval Art Minimalism Choose a style of art Find an artist Tell about it Show some examples Modern Art Neoclassicism Op Art photorealism Pop Art Post Impressionism Realism Rococo Romanticism Surrealism Symbolism OR ANY OTHER You’d like!
WATCH FOR THE INVITATION! ART CLUB NEWS !!! WE HAVE A WIKI – watch for a wiki invitation , in your email from me! Accept the invitation and you’ll be brought to our new club site Currently: Not very creative or artistic – this is where you come in. As you accept the invitation I will create you a page within the club wiki. You will be able to make changes and add meeting assignments to the site. Future: AWESOME!!!!! WATCH FOR THE INVITATION! Email me if you do not receive an invite within one week
Thank you for being a part of the Art Club Picasso inspired, original art work due by June 18 for next meeting Email to me at: artclub@keystonehighschool.com or artclub@keystonemiddleschool.com NEXT MEETING: JUNE 21 5PM EST – no delay