Domain 1 – Agriculture Group III Cotton- Management of cotton crop particularly pest and disease vulnerability by deploying appropriate technology & management practices.
Group-III Chairman: Dr. Jasbir Singh Bains, Director of Agriculture, Punjab Co- Chairman: Dr. R.S. Solanki, MD, Haryana Seed Development Corporation. Anchor: Dr. R.K.Singh, ADG(CC), ICAR Participating States: Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu
Status of Insect Pests and Diseases Andhra Pradesh: Major Pest like jassid and pink bollworm. Tamilnadu: No major Problem. Gujarat: Persistent problem of pink bollworm. Maharastra: Sporadic problem of pink bollworm in marathawada region from 2015-16 Telangana: jassids , Pink bollworm and leaf reddening. Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan: severe infestation of whitefly and CLCV.
Management of Pink bollworm Crop rotation to break the life cycle of the pest Timely sowings Planting non Bt. refugia around the field Surveillance of Pink Boll Worm Mass trapping and mating disruption technique on wide area through integrated approach Release bio-agents and conserve natural enemies Apply only CIB&RC recommended pesticides
Management of Pink bollworm (Off season) Gin Sanitation Field sanitation. Allow cattle, sheep and goats to graze Removal and destruction of cotton stubbles Create awareness on the importance of destroying pink bollworm damaged cotton seeds after ginning. Destroy trashed and stained cotton with damaged seeds whether lying in the farmer’s house or in the Gins.
Advisory for the management of whitefly and leaf curl virus (Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan) Regular awareness and trainings to the farmers Removal of alternate hosts viz. vegetables, ornamentals and weeds. Use recommended hybrids/varieties Complete sowing before 15th May Promote Desi cotton varieties Apply recommended dose of fertilizers (avoid excessive use of urea) Plant barrier crops viz. sorghum/bajra/maize Use yellow sticky traps Avoid synthetic pyrethroids and tank mixing of pesticides
State Specific Strategies Planned for Kharif 2016 Maharashtra -Pink Bollworm is to be incorporated in CROPSAP Model for regular crop advisories - Short Duration Bt Hybrids/Varieties to be advised. Gujarat: - Awareness for cultivation of short duration varieties/Hybrids. Seed Companies to be involved for management of pink bollworm and training programmes. supply of bio-agents adoption of management advisories.
State Specific Strategies Planned for Kharif 2016 Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Plan for diversification of cotton towards pulses and millets Application of need based micro-nutrients for management of leaf reddening