2016-17 State Wrestling Rules Interpreters Meetings Duane Morgan Contact Information 831 595-4338-cell 408 224-2994-office dmorgan@cifccs.org
AGENDA CIF Concussion Rules/Resources Skin /Grooming Protocols Pre-Season Guide State Meet Applications New Rules & Interpretations Educationally based Athletics Professionalism
Purpose Develop consistency across the state on rules/mechanics etc To explain the new rules from the NFHS/CIF To interpret rules for intent and purpose To share new information regarding NFHS/CIF Fulfill requirement for any official wishing to return or be nominated for CIF State meet to attend this meeting
Communicable Disease WHY ARE WE AT THIS JUNCTURE ?
Communicable Disease Recognition Education Prevention Best Practices
NFHS Article Review
Herpes Gladiatorum
Recognition (slide show)
EDUCATION Communicate to parents and wrestlers , what to look for Communicate to parents and wrestlers, the importance of good hygiene Communicate to parents and wrestlers how skin diseases are spread
Prevention Clean wrestling mats with solution 1:100 bleach and water or appropriate commercial cleaner (be careful on choice or product) Using mop that has been properly cleaned, (use of spray and drag swiffer type mop is very effective) Proper ventilation in the room, avoiding heat and humidity-before and after practice Clean all workout gear after each practice , including towels, clothing headgear, shoes, knee pads etc. Require each wrestler to shower using soap after each practice. Do not share bars of soap Refrain from sharing razors, deodorant or any other hygiene supplies
Best Practices Clean mats before and after practice Check each wrestler before and after practice for any lesions etc. Open the room for ventilation before and after practice Babywipes after each match in a tournament Possible continual mat cleanliness One bucket with cleaner solution One bucket with dry towel All wrestlers/officials/coaches step in before coming onto mat surface
Officials Proper grooming & skin check protocols The attached sheet is a recommended grooming and skin check protocols sheet to follow at a dual meet and/or every day of a tournament. It is essential to have a system in place to be able to screen wrestlers in a systematic and effective manner so as to identify any potential problems before the match begins. These procedures need to be followed throughout the year, alerting wrestlers and coaches that the athletes need to come to weigh in clean of any communicable diseases.
CIF Concussion Protocols Bylaw 503H Concussion Protocol A student-athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from competition at that time for the remainder of the day. A student-athlete who has been removed from play may not return to play until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in education and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider. If a licensed health care provider, trained in education and management of concussion determines that the athlete sustained a concussion or a head injury, the athlete is required to complete a graduated return-to-play protocol of no less than seven (7) full days from the time of diagnosis under the supervision of a licensed health care provider. On a yearly basis, a concussion and head injury information sheet shall be signed and returned by all athletes and the athlete's parent or guardian before the athlete's initial practice or competition. LICENSED HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS What licensed health care providers are trained in the evaluation and treatment of concussions/brain injuries and authorized to allow the athlete to return to play? The “scope of practice” for licensed health care providers and medical professionals is defined by California state statues. This scope of practice will limit the evaluation to a medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO). NFHS.ORG Complete this twenty minute on-line class for FREE from the NFHS.
CIF Sudden Cardiac Arrest Protocols A student-athlete who passes out or faints while participating in, or immediately following, an athletic activity or who is known to have passed out or fainted while participating in or immediately following an athletic activity, must be removed immediately from participating in a practice or game for the remainder of the day. A student-athlete who has been removed from play after displaying signs and symptoms associated with sudden cardiac arrest may not return to play until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider. On a yearly basis, a Sudden Cardiac Arrest information sheet shall be signed and returned by all athletes and the athlete's parent or guardian before the athlete's initiating practice or competition.
CIF BYALW 501 D Exhibition Matches This bylaw has been reworked allow for exhibition matches. Some highlights of this are: Counts as one of the 40 match contact for the athlete No team score Before or after the regulation match Athlete cannot compete in regular match then an exhibition match Principal permission is required Wrestlers must be eligible, academically & residentially Any additional fees & process may be charged upon negotiating with officials association and schools.
Coaches need to leave in plenty of time DUAL MEET TIMELINE There is a major concern that dual meets are not starting at the published time This is a problem Coaches need to leave in plenty of time What can officials do: Call or email both coaches to confirm start time of match. Inform the coaches of your arrival time and when weigh ins will begin. If official is not used at weigh ins, inform them when skin checks will begin. -review handout
These Exams Are Available From You Section Office
Rules that are still in effect: Hair cover attached to headgear Minimum 5 feet protection area NO Tape on headgear Default is not a forfeit-must be accepted on the mat Multiple days of dual meet tournaments: Must weigh in at same weight class both days Cannot just weigh in for Saturday only
State Meet Referee Application
CWOA.CA California Wrestling Officials Association All of these power points will be put on the website for your use Up to date information Resources to other officials Resources of videos You are all members-use the tool Make recommendations for improvement
CWOA GOLDEN WHISTLE AWARD Randy Hartman 2016 Recipient
2016-17 New Rules and Points of Emphasis