Proper Body Mechanics & Fire Safety
Body Mechanics Refers to the way in which the body moves and maintains balance while making the most efficient use of all its parts
4 Reasons Muscles work best when used correctly Correct use of muscles makes lifting, pulling, and pushing easier Correct application of body mechanic prevents unnecessary fatigue and strain, and saves energy Correct application of body mechanics prevents injury to self and others
Rule #1 Maintain a broad base of support (keep feet 8-10 inches apart, placing one foots slightly forward, balancing weight on both feet, and pointing the toes in the directions of movement)
Rule #2 Bend from the hips and knees to get close to an object, and keep your back straight. Do NOT bend at the waist.
Rule #3 Use the strongest muscles to do the job. The larger and stronger muscles are located in the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs. Back muscles are WEAK!
Rule #4 Use the weight of your body to help push or pull and object. Whenever possible, push, slide, or pull rather than lift!
Rule #5 Carry heavy objects close to the body. Also, stand close to any object or person being moved.
Rule #6 Avoid twisting your body as your work. Turn with your feet and entire body when you change direction of movement.
Rule #7 Avoid bending for long periods!
Rule # 8 If a patient or object is too heavy for you to lift alone, ALWAYS get help! Mechanical lifts, transfer (gait) belts, wheelchairs, and other similar types of equipment are also available to help lift and move patients.
Back Support Some facilities require workers to wear. REMEMBER: back braces do not increase strength! Remind the wearer to use good body mechanics.
Ergonomics Applied science used to promote the safety and well- being of a person by adapting the environment and using techniques to prevent injuries
Includes: Correct placement of furniture and equipment Training in required muscle movements Efforts to avoid repetitive motions An awareness of the environment to prevent injuries
Equipment Safety Rules: Do NOT operate or use any equipment until you have been instructed on how to use it Read and follow the operating instructions for all major pieces of equipment. If you do not understand the instructions, ask for help! Do NOT operate any equipment if your instructor is not in the room! Report any damages/ malfunctioning equipment immediately! DO NOT USE IT! Do NOT use frayed or damaged electrical cords.Do not use plug if third prong has been broken off for grounding. Never use excessive force to plug in!
Cont’d…. Never handle any electrical equipment with wet hands or around water Store all equipment in its proper place. Unused equipment should not be left in a patient’s room, a hallway, or a doorway When handling any equipment, observe all safety precautions that have been taught Never use solutions form bottles that are not labeled Read the labels of solution bottles at least 3x to ensure you have the right solution
Cont’d…. Do not mix any solutions together unless instructed to do so by your instructor or you can verify they are compatible Some solutions can be injurious or poisonous. Avoid contact with our eyes and skin/ or inhaling. Store all chemical solutions in a locked cabinet or closet following the manufacturer's recommendations Dispose according to instructions by MSDS If you break equipment or spill, IMMEDIATELY report!
Patient/ Resident Safety: Do NOT perform any procedure on patients unless instructed to do so Provide privacy for all patients. Knock before entering, Identify yourself, Ask permission to enter, Close the door and/or close curtains for privacy Always identify your patient! Check ID wristband, ask their name, AND ask their birthdate. REPEAT Always explain procedures before performing. Answer any questions to ensure consent before. Never perform a procedure if a patient refuses. Observe the patient closely, if you notice any change, immediately report! Be alert at all times!
Cont’d…. Frequently check the patient area, waiting room, office rooms, bed areas, or home environment for safety hazards. Report all unsafe situations immediately to correct the hazard! Before leaving, observe all checkpoints. Make sure they are in a comfortable position, check side rails, bed is in low position to the floor, and wheels are locked. Place the call light and/or other supplies within reach. Leave area neat.
Personal Safety: Remember, it is your responsibility to protect yourself and others from injury Use correct body mechanics Wear the required uniform Walk- do NOT run; watch intersections; keep to the right; use handrails Promptly report any personal injury or accident, no matter how minor If you see an unsafe situation or violation, report it IMMEDIATELY!
Cont’d… Keep all areas clean and neat with all equipment and supplies in the proper locations. Wash your hands frequently. BEFORE/AFTER/CONTAMINATED Keep your hands away form your face, mouth, eyes, and hair Dry hands thoroughly Wear safety glasses to avoid eye injury If any solutions come into contact with eyes or skin, immediately flush the area with cool water and report! Do NOT try to remove any object/particle from eye!
Fire Safety Fires need 3 things: Oxygen: present in the air Fuel: any material that will burn Heat: sparks, matches, flames
Fire extinguishers: 4 Classes Classified and labeled according to the kind of fire they extinguish Used on fires involving combustibles such as paper, cloth, plastic, or wood Used on flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, oil, paint, grease, and cooking fat fires Used on electrical fires such as fuse boxes, appliances, wiring, and electrical outlets TURN OFF ELECTRICITY BEFORE USING EXTINGUISHER D. Used on burning or combustible metals; often specific for the type of metal being used and are not used on any other type of fire
Extinguishers: Water- Class A Carbon dioxide- smothering action, Class B or C Dry chemical- smothering action, Class A, B, or C Halon- Class C
P-A-S-S Procedure: P-Pull the pin A- Aim @ edge or bottom S-Squeeze the handle S-Sweep from side to side at the base
Fire Emergency Plan R-Rescue anyone in immediate danger A- Activate the alarm. Give the location. C- Contain the fire. Close windows/doors to prevent drafts. Shut off oxygen & electrical equipment E- Extinguish the fire or Evacuate the area.
RACE Know the location of fire extinguishers Exit doors Remain calm Prevent the loss of a life or serious injury
Prevent a fire: Obey all “NO SMOKING” signs Extinguish matches, cigarettes, and flammable items completely Dispose of all waste material in proper containers Check cords before using electrical equipment. Avoid overloading electrical outlets. Store flammables in a safe place Do NOT allow clutter to accumulate (rooms, doorways, closets, traffic areas) No blocking exits! When Oxygen is in use: NO FLAMMABLES! Avoid static electricity by using cotton blankets, sheets, and gowns