Al Amal complex for mental health -Dammam Fatimah H. Al-Qaisoum..200800847..Instructor Arch. Manal Almusbeh
FACT: “The environmental psychology of the hospital: is the cure worse than the illness” (Winkel & Holahan, 1986).
Outline Psychiatric Hospitals : Codes and Standards General Information Introduction Departments Types of treatments Site plan Floor plans Interior Pictures Problems Specialists’ notes and recommendations Conclusion
FACTS The atmosphere of a building and its interior affect the psychological condition of users. Yet those factors play major roles in hospitals as they do in other buildings like homes, schools and offices. Healthcare facilities have been linked hardly within the healing of patients as researchers found. Yet many healthcare building failed when it comes to the impact of their interiors on the users. These types of facilities mostly fail because they are hectic or inappropriate for the users. Researches had linked poor design with high levels of anxiety, delirium, elevated blood pressure and increased intake of pain drugs (e.g., Wilson, 1972; Ulrich 1984).
FACTS In order to accomplish the healing process the patients should remain in: • Usual environment • Independent • Self-supporting Minimum team members: • Two psychiatrists • Five Nurses • Two social workers • One security
FACTS Out-patients Clinics: These types of clinics do not require the patients to spend a night in hospitals. Beds are needed in the out-patients clinics. They are required in early treatment stage. The accommodation needed for diagnoses and early treatments Entrance hall with waiting areas and secretary office adjacent. It is necessary to subdivide the waiting area by temporary means; also it should be suitable for informal group arrangement. Consulting rooms and interviews rooms
FACTS “The Psychiatric Patients should feel that they have the same status and are quite as welcome to a treatment unit as any other patient.”
FACTS A day hospital “A special facility or an arrangement within a hospital setting that enables the patient to come to the hospital for treatment during the day and return home at night.” Small entrance waiting hall with reception records office doctors' offices social workers' office Treatment area
FACTS I. Examination Room II. Treatment Room III. Group Therapy Room Rooms: I. Examination Room II. Treatment Room III. Group Therapy Room IV. Group Testing Room V. Biofeedback Lab Treatment & Control Room VI. Office, Counselor VII. Social Activities / Dining / Multi-Purpose VIII. Classroom/ Group Room IX. Occupational Therapy
Al Amal complex for mental health -Dammam
Al Amal complex for mental health -Dammam
Al Amal complex for mental health Mental health departments Addiction Ambulance and emergency Clinics Laboratory Pharmacy Rehabilitation Security section Department of programs and activities Health education and awareness Department guidance and family counseling Normal Consulting Telephone counseling Electronic consulting
Al Amal complex for mental health Medication Psychotherapy Social therapy Work treatment Religious treatment Physical Therapy
Interior Pictures
Interior Pictures
Psychiatric Reception
Conference room
Conference room
Corridor - leading to the basement
Rehabilitation Section
Rehabilitation Section - Self-confidence, Self-esteem
Problems Colors Type of materials used Furniture used Ventilation Natural light Paintings Long corridors
Specialists’ notes and recommendations Make the space larger Avoid the use of adjustments in furniture Give them privacy but keep them safe Avoid the use of warm colors Do not let them feel they are different For children: larger spaces, carpet or\ and rubber flooring Codes, codes, and codes!
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