Higher Desktop Publishing (DTP)
DTP - Principals and Elements Good Graphic Design relies on the designer understanding what makes layout look good. Desk Top Publishing and Graphic Design is broken down into smaller parts and works with each part in turn. These are called Principals and Elements
Principals and Elements Make a mind map for both DTP Principals and Elements Write a description for every principal and element on the list below Principals Elements Contrast Line Repetition & Rhythm Shape Alignment Colour Proximity & Unity Texture White Space Mass / Weight Depth Size Balance Value Dominance/Emphasis Proportion
Elements Line – used to divide up or connect elements on a page Shape – can help organise a page and separate items. Geometric, natural or abstract Size – large items are more dominant Colour - colour theory basics, used to create moods and stimulate emotions Texture - actual or simulated tactile quality. Mass (weight) – all items have mass. Value -
Principals White Space – leaving areas free of text and graphics. Lets the eye rest or direct the eye. Balance – items on the page are symmetrical. Asymmetrical layouts can create contrast movement and excitement Contrast – introducing elements that are different. Eye catching Repetition (rhythm) - Repeat visual elements of the design throughout the element of the page. Alignment – align elements on the page deliberately. This connects visual elements to achieve a structured look Proximity (unity) - Items relating to each other should be group close together. Can be created by the use of colour throughout. Depth – can be added to create emphasis/unity Dominance (emphasis) - items on the page need greater emphasis than others, these can be made to dominate the page Proportion -
Principals and Elements Edit this business card to improve the visual impact focusing on the principals and elements.
Grid and Gridlines Magazine page – annotate gridlines including; columns, gutters, headers, footers,
3Ps of Graph Com Create thumbnails for an A5 article titled ‘ What are the 3 p’s in Graphic Communication?’
Top Tips Do not use ALL CAPS for headings. Use the standard headline style for headers. Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, except for prepositions composed of three letters or less. It decreases readability when all words of a headline or title are caps. Space once at the end of a sentence. Many have been taught to space twice when ending a sentence, but this is not true. According to the standard rules of desktop publishing, there should only be one space following a punctuation mark. Don’t go overboard with fonts. With so many fonts to choose from, it’s no surprise anyone would want to experiment and use as many as possible. To create a clean and organized document, use as few fonts as possible. Some of the most popular and accepted fonts are Times New Roman, Arial, and Georgia.