Threat (or hazard) How many t hings can you think of that threaten you with disaster? Industrial Accident EKTA ? Others? NOAA Cyclone New York Times Epidemic AP Earthquake BBC Flood AP Drought ABC News Fire
Hazard Hazard is a natural or man-made event that has the potential to cause harm, injury or loss.
Disaster An event, man-made or natural, sudden or progressive, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the community to cope using its own resources.
Disaster Disasters occur when the negative effects of the hazards are not well managed.
Emergency Follows from a disaster Puts large number of lives at risk “is any situation where there is an exceptional and widespread threat to life, health or basic subsistence which is beyond the coping capacity of individuals and the community.” Follows from a disaster Puts large number of lives at risk Demands immediate action Calls for exceptional measures
Vulnerability A condition or set of prevailing and consequential conditions – physical, social, economic, and attitudinal – which adversely affect the community residents’ ability to prepare for, withstand and / or respond to a hazard
Capacity Capacities are those positive conditions or abilities which increase the capability of an element to deal with the hazards and their effects.
Hazard X Vulnerability = Risk Risk is the exposure or the chance of loss (of lives, persons injured, property damaged and economic activity disrupted) due to a particular hazard for a given area and time or period. Hazard X Vulnerability = Risk
Hazard X Vulnerability Risk Reduction Risk is the exposure or the chance of loss (of lives, persons injured, property damaged and economic activity disrupted) due to a particular hazard for a given area and time or period. Hazard X Vulnerability Capacity = Risk Reduction
Observe the below pictures and relate them to the terms and concepts you learnt in this session
Event/Hazard Vulnerability Risk Risk Reduction Disaster