Think about how we get food today…. You will need…. A pencil Your Social Studies Journal Entry Task/Objective paper. Entry Task Objective Think about how we get food today…. Where does it come from? How does it get to us? SWBAT to analyze the development of farming societies BY completing 2-column notes
Share with your Elbow Partner What have we learned so far about early humans? If you need to, look back through your notes
Check your answers below: Changes that have occurred so far……. Check your answers below: 1. Homo sapiens appear. 2. Language develops. 3. Habitats expand. 4. Technology multiplies. 5. Wall painting and sculpture are created. End of Big Era Two (Beginning of Big Era 3) 1,000 years ago Today Big Eras 4-9 Big Era 2 10,000 years ago Big Era 3
Make a PREDICTION!! How did we get from here……….. to HERE!!!
How does it connect? Today, we will explore how humans transitioned from HUNTER GATHERERS to more complex FARMING SOCIETIES.
Now…lets take a few notes. We will use pg. 22 in your Journal T: Creation of Farming Societies
Domestication of plants & animals When humans began to control and use animals, they were able to use them for farming. Experts call this PASTORALISM Also, humans began to grow plants so that they could feed themselves. This is referred to as CULTIVATION
Population Growth When humans began to farm, people began to gather where the food was. Previously, humans were limited to the food that was available around them. Over time, more and more people began to stay in one spot, leading to dense populations. This is where we see the beginnings of civilizations.
Surplus food production MORE THAN YOU NEED As farmers began to improve their farming techniques, they were able to have a SURPLUS of food. This means not everyone had to worry about farming.
Job Specialization With more food available, people started to specialize in certain jobs. This allowed people to become weavers, potters, priests, traders, and more!
Lets REVISE our PREDICTION How did we get from here……….. to HERE!?!?!
Make a connection….. Development of Farming 7 Characteristics of Civilization How did the development of FARMING help us get to…….. Laws and Government Stable Food Supply Writing Religion Art Technology Social Structure
Domestication of Plants and Animals Farming Population Intensification Surplus Food Specialization Complex Society, also known as CIVILIZATION 1,000 years ago Today Big Eras 4-9 Big Era 2 10,000 years ago Big Era 3
WHERE AND WHEN DID FARMING COMMUNITIES DEVELOP? Eastern North America China Fertile Crescent Nile valley West Africa Mesoamerica New Guinea Ethiopia Andes Amazonia WHERE AND WHEN DID FARMING COMMUNITIES DEVELOP? 1,000 years ago Today Big Eras 4-9 10,000 years ago Big Era 3 Big Era 2
By 3,000 BCE, societies in Southwest Asia and Egypt were developing elements of complex societies. Are we supposed to be taking notes on this? 1,000 years ago Today Big Eras 4-9 Big Era 2 10,000 years ago 3,000 years ago Big Era 3
Group Jigsaw Work together to complete the task: You will be assigned a complex society (Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, or Egypt) WORD TOGETHER to answer questions about YOUR society. Think CRITICALLY—Why was this civilization able to farm when others did not. USE the categories provided to you. Prepare to present! Pick a reporter for the group.
Academic Expectations Behavior Expectations Ask for input from everyone: What do you think about _______? How does _______ fit with your thinking? Everyone completes their work, NO EXCEPTIONS Volume: 3 – Table Talk Movement: Stick with your table, no others exist! Participation: Complete the questions.
Wrap-Up How We Leave Class Wait for directions. Everyone helps! 1 person returns materials 1 person turns in all work to the tray Every one else clean up the space, Push in your chair, stand behind it and wait for teacher dismissal Write your Response on the Exit Ticket : What does this information tell us about how early farming societies developed? What things do they have in common? How are they different?